Chronicle 17

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The change is becoming more visible now. There are cracks forming, for lack of a better world. Things are shifting, changing. Normal people are starting to see things that are not there. Or are they?

Schizophrenia diagnosis are becoming more common. More medications prescribed.

What do you do when things suddenly begin changing around you in ways that are not possible? There was a house, it sat off to the side of this main street, a single entrance onto and off of the property. I could remember it from as far back as I could remember. It was old, at least 200 years. One of the first farmsteads to be build in the original township. Now you go, and there is no house. No nothing. The house has never existed, at least, according to the city zoning plans. Just a plot of land with randomly places trees. No driveway. I have talked to more than several individuals about this home. Ssme remember it quite clearly, and when I take them by the location, they are blown away by the fact that the house never apparently existed, even though they clearly remember it. Others, well, they remember perfectly well that there has never been a house present. It was always a vacant lot of land. Which reality is true? What do you believe in, when even reality has multiple realities?

We were traveling. It was later in the night. We are a nighttime family be nature. So here we were, a late night run for dinner. We noticed it at the same time. Us and the police officers driving by in their cruiser across the median. There was this car, a newer one. It was eerie. As it was passing us by, the car was translucent. You could see right through it. Yet it was visible enough that you could make out every single detail about it. There was a single person in the car. A man of middle age. At this point the police had done a uturn to get behind it. But no sirens were wailing, because that was not even the actual eerie part.There was a motorcycle, completely embedded within the hood of the car. The motorcycle itself was more solid than the car. And there was a man driving the motorcycle. These two vechicles were occuping the same space, at the same time, yet neither seemed to be aware of the other. But I can tell you, we and the police were very aware of them. It was mind blowing!

Only two examples of the way the cosmos is changing...and the coming of the Event...

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor

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