20.[Wasn't She Behind Us?]

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"Danny!" I yelled running through the front door.

"Blaire what's wrong!?" Danny exclaims as he rushes to me, as I could smell his kemo signal. Stressed.

"We need to get going! Now!" I told him, as bullets came through the window as Danny covered me as we hid behind a wall.

8 hours earlier.

I woke up to the cold air of the morning, I looked beside me and saw Danny asleep. As I smiled at his soft snores, I got out of bed and got changed in my usual clothes.

I was about to open the door, a hand grabbed my wrist. I saw it was Danny, he wore his sweat pants, bare feet and no shirt. "Where are you going?" He asked as I turned to him.

"Out. I'm going to go and see Nona and Clay." I told him, as he looked at me with soft eyes.

"We have to be careful, I don't want you to get shot at by the people who own the city." I could tell he was worried, worried for me.

"You don't have to worry bout me, ok? I'm a big girl, I won't be long." I explained to him as he let go of my wrist. I opened the door and rushed over to the car. I got in and started the car, as I pulled out of the drive way. I started driving to Nona and Clays, I could smell the heavy smoke from outside from inside the car. Which made cough heavy, I looked at my hand and saw black blood. My eyes widen as I drove faster to Nona and Clays.

When I arrived at Nona and Clays, I raced inside as Clay was on the couch seeing my hand covered in black blood. That came out of me.

"Blaire what happened?!" He asked as he came to my side.

"Don't know, I drove through heavy smoke and it came into my car and I started coughing heavily and then I looked at my hand and saw black blood." I explained as Clay yelled out to Nona.

"Nona! Get the holy water!" He yelled as Nona came in and gave a flask to Clay, he passed it to me.

"Drink it all." He told me to do, as I did. It tasted like dirty dishwater. Then I felt like I was going to throw up, I landed on my knees as I vomited up black smoke. Nona had a massive jar and caught it.

"What was that!?" I asked breathing heavily.

"Demon. They tried to possess you, I read about it. Before Nona almost got possessed." Clay explained.

"I. I. I need to get to Danny." I told them, as Clay nodded. He helped me to his bathroom as I cleaned my face, then a massive explosion happened. Making the wall fly at us, as Nona walked in just before the explosion went off.

I coughed as I got myself up from being buried, under concrete. "Clay!?" I yelled.

"B-Blaire!" I heard him as he coughed, I found him and pulled him out from under the concrete and I saw Nona.

"Nona!" I yelled as I helped her up as well. "We need to get going come on!" I yelled as we started running to the front door. I threw it open as Clay and I got outside, as I saw Nona wasn't behind us.

"Wasn't she behind us?" I asked Clay, he looked behind him.

"Nona!" He screamed. "You go and get Danny, I'll find Nona and meet you. Go!" He yells as I gave him a nod.

I ran to my car and raced back to Danny as I's house. I got out of the car.

"Danny!" I yelled running through the front door.

"Blaire what's wrong!?" Danny exclaims as he rushes to me, as I could smell his kemo signal. Stressed.

"We need to get going! Now!" I told him, as bullets came through the window as Danny covered me as we hid behind a wall.

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