13.[We Left Him!]

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As soon as we got further enough from the laboratory, Danny placed me down. I then started running back for Mattee, I heard Danny race after me. I felt him grab me around my waist, he then pulled me into his chest.

"Hey, hey it's ok. Blaire!" He says to be as I try and get away from his grip, it makes me feel weak.

"We left him! It's not ok!" I bang my fist against his chest. "Let go of me!" I roar, as he does and I growl walking off. As I heard Danny follow me, as I was about to snap at him. I heard Nona.

"Let her blow off some steam." Then I continued into the forest, when I was far away. I roared in anger towards the sky. I fell to the ground and cried, worrying for my best friends life. 

I started having flashbacks of our childhood.

Us in high school, him taking care of me when I needed him the most. Then when he was in trouble, I helped him. Even though to protect me he wanted to try and keep me out of it.

Then it went to when we were babies. When we just chased after each other squealing is laughter.

I smiled and laughed at the memories involving us and started to cry with the heart breaking moments. Which were good and bad. I guess I'm on the outside on this one.
I got up and started to walk to a lake, I sat on a log. Looking out over the lake.

Danny's P.O.V.

"Can I go and find her? It's late and she's been gone for a while." I asked Nona.

"She needs time."

"It's been enough time, I'm finding her. She could've hurt herself." I told them.

"Nona let him go." Clay says to her.

"Fine." She says. "Go and find her, while Clay and I set up camp." Nona tells me and I nod, as I started jogging into the forest. Filling the scratch marks against the trees. Then the trail stopped.

I guess I have to go by instinct and gut. I walked through bushes and made my way through obstacles of trees. Then I saw a lake, I came into the clearing. I look down at the lake side and saw Blaire sitting on a log.

Blaire's P.O.V.

I heard ruffles of the bushes and trees, I knew someone or something was behind me. I growled and jumped up. Seeing it was Danny, he placed his hands up in innocents.

"Sorry. Should've not snuck up behind you like that." He says coming closer, as I relax and the eyes and claws go away.

"Hey." I sighed in relief.

"You ok?" He asks coming up to me.

"I think I'm ok, just needed to think and process some stuff." I explained.

"Understandable." He says with a faint smile.

"What are Nona and Clay doing?" I asked him.

"Camp, we better get going." He told me and I nodded as we walked back.

"I'm sorry I let go of him." Danny says to me and I stop looking at him.

"Danny it's not your fault." I told him as we continued to camp.

We came into the empty area, as my scenes were high. So I could hear if people are after us.

"Hey you good?" Nona asks me and I smile. I walk over to her and sit with her by the fire. Placing my hands near the fire to warm up.

The Enhanced.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora