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"Childhood can determine many things for a young one, it can affect them physically and mentally. Some come with an intelligence that's amazing and mind blowing.It shows us the personality as well, whether they are strong mined or can survive a physical fight. We'll turn them against each other.They are incredible, now ladies and gentlemen. If you look up to this screen behind me, you'll see 100 children. Being sent here by their parents, the serum that my scientists have created. Will show us their true identity, it'll determine their supernatural features. We will train them until they turn 18, the serum will then be put into them. Ladies and Gentlemen these are our future, these are the Enhanced."


"Blaire Barnes?" A person calls out over the speaker as Mattee and I stand side by side. My heart races with adrenaline pumping through every ounce of my body. Mattee lets go of my wrist as he looks at me in a everything is going to be ok. Way, I walked up to the stage and stood there. A lady asks me how old am I and I tell her.

"I'm 15." I tell her and she nods.

"Remember everyone, we can only take two people from each section." The guy says as I take a deep breath, the guy continues with the last persons name. "Frank Willow... Wait sorry I read the wrong name, Mattee Evans." The guy announces and I sigh, in relief and horror. I've always protected Mattee since we were two. "Thank you for your time." He says as the towns people scatter. Mattee and I stay close.

"No matter what I'm not leaving your side." Mattee whispers to me.

"I'll make sure of it." I tell him and he smiles.

"Congrats you two, you guys will be coming back with us to WINES.You guys will be helping us with something you'll have to wait till you guys get there." He says as he walks off.

"Wait what's WINES!?" I call and no one answers me, they drag Mattee and I into a truck. Mattee and I sit side by side. I place my head on his shoulder, as I feel his head rest on mine. I never got to say goodbye to mum or dad and none of my siblings. Mattee didn't get to say goodbye to his parents and sister. I take a deep breath to settle my breathing patterns, as I feel my eyes fill up with water.

"It's ok." I hear Mattee whisper, even though he couldn't see my face. He could tell anyway, I nudge him as he slightly laughs.

"You ok?" I question him as I bring my head back up, I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm ok, I think... I just wish I could've said goodbye, but at least I've got you." He says and I smile.

"I'm glad you're my best friend. But remember they but our names down for us to be sent to WINES." I tell him as he smiles.

"Same and yeah." He replies as I smile with my lips pressed.

The car jumps over a bump in the road, I felt the car pull up. Then a door in front of us, the light beams in front of us. People drag us out as its warm weather, Mattee nudges me and I look at him like what? Then I look at where he was looking, a massive building.

I look around and see other kids being dragged out of cars, the building looked like a laboratory.

"Mattee and Blaire welcome to WINES." The guy says to us as we look at each other then back at the building.

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