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Nona and I got up and dressed into the clothes that waited for us on our door step. Grey pants and white shirt, I wore the sneakers from yesterday. We were directed into our sections, which means I get see Mattee again.

When I continued to walked to my section, I saw Mattee and I smiled. He looked up and saw me also smiling in response. I ran at him and he picked me up into a hug.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much." I mutter.

"I've missed you too, did you get my letter?" He asks.

"Yeah I did, thanks that helped me a lot." I tell him as we stood side by side like everyone else.

"Hello children." The main scientist from yesterday begins. "Today is the last test, where it determines something for your future lives. You'll be with your other from your section." She explains as she sends off each section, I saw Nona and whoa that must be Clay. Then it got to us. "You guys go to area 21." She says as we were directed there.

We walked into the room and it was a gym. Mattee and I looked at each other then back at the scientist with us. "You guys have equal abilities, from running to strength. So this test will determine the next bit in your life."

"What's the 'next bit'?" Mattee and I say at the same time.

"You'll see, need you guys to do that parkour."

"What parkour?" I ask looking around seeing an empty gym.

"This one." She says as she presses a button on the wall. We heard a thud and Mattee and I ducked just in case. We look around and see stuff coming out of the walls, parkour course. "Mattee Evans will go first."

"Good luck." I tell him and he smiles slightly, but I knew he was nervous. But I know him to well, he'll make it look easy. As Mattee started the course nerves grew.

Mattee started doing the parkour, I bit my thumb nail. Also soon realising that there's no nail for me to chew. Mattee got to a pole and nearly slipped, but he gained his balanced. He flipped down to a high level, then a lower one. Then he jumped down to the finishing mat. He inhaled and then exhaled in relief, I smiled as he came back over to me.

"Blaire Barnes, your go." The scientist says as Mattee gave me a reassuring nod.

I walked over to the starting point, then I started. I jumped up and grabbed a pole, I flipped myself up. I jumped over high and low blocks, jumped and pulled myself up to another level. I then flipped over a metre length away platform, I flipped up a level and then jumped down back to the end.

Mattee smiled and was in shock at my flips, cause I was never able to them ever in my whole life. I was in shock myself, as I walked over to Mattee. The scientist was putting down my scores. Mattee whispers to me.

"I'm never against you, you understand?" He asks me and I whisper back.

"Yeah I know, I'm never going to fight you in my life."

"Cmon kids, we have to get going." The scientist says as we follow.

The Enhanced.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora