09.[Seeing Him Again.]

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Danny's P.O.V.

We came back into our room, as I wanted to go back for Blaire. As Nona and Clay had to hold me back. I looked in my back pocket and see the keycard. She must've gave it to me before she told me to go. I remember her body falling to her knees.

"Danny we'll get her back and it's late now. So we all should get some sleep." Clay explains as I sigh in annoyance.

"Danny go to sleep you need it." Nona tells me, as I just go straight to my bed and I close my eyes. With the only thing on my mind was Blaire.

"Danny wake up." A voice whispered and I opened my eyes and saw Blaire.

"You're ok." I said to her and she smiled, as I placed a hand on her hair near her ear.

" I said to her and she smiled, as I placed a hand on her hair near her ear

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"Of course I am, I've found you." She tells me and I smile in return.

"I thought you were taken."

"I was but I got out and I came back to you." She explains, then she looked at my bare chest. Seeing a large scar. "Is this what they gave you?" She asks.

"Yeah but it's fine, it doesn't hurt as much." I explain, as he took my hand and her veins popped of black fluid. Soon I felt it heal.

"Better?" She asks and I nod. "You have to wake up now and make sure you come and save me."

"Danny wake up." I hear Clay and Nona say waking me up.

Blaire's P.O.V.

I wake up in a very small room, I look around and see the walls are made out of glass. I got up and banged onto the glass. As I felt the pain coming from the bullet wound. I then saw scientists coming in.

"Subject A3, almost fully healed. Slightly in pain." A scientist tells another one as she writes in down.

"Let me out!" I yell banging on the glass.

"Strength still there." The scientist says and they both leave, then the woman who shot me came in. I growled when she got closer to the glass.

"Easy Subject A3, I'm her to tell you that'll you'll not be able see Mr Mattee Evans." I won't be able to see my best friend again? If it takes my life I'm seeing him again.

"I'm getting to him ok? Even if it takes my life, I'll brake out of her or someone will come for me." I tell her.

"Oh yeah that hellhound of yours? He's a cutie, he'll come for you and if you think you'll be able to break out of here. It's your funeral." She says to me and I roar and show my teeth and eyes.

"Why you doing this?" I ask her as she turns to me and smirks.

"You'll have to find out for yourself, but I think you know that answer already." She tells me as she walks off, I bang my fist against the unusually strong glass as it vibrates.

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