07.[What The Hell?]

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Danny told me that he knows how to get to Mattee. Clay, Nona and I got moved into a room together. Danny said he'll grab me, don't know how though.

"Blaire why are you pacing?" Clay asks.

"She does that when she's waiting for someone or something. OR just plain nervous." Nona explains.

I keep pacing, not answering them. Then I heard a clash, I jumped and growled. Then I saw Danny's head pop out from under Clays bed. "What are you doing?" Clay asks him.

"I told you guys I know how to get to Mattee." He says and looks at me. "Stop growling and come with me." Danny says as he slides under again.

"I'll be back." I tell Nona and Clay, as they nod at me as I slid under. I followed Danny.

"Where is he?" I ask him.

"You'll see." He says and I growl in frustration. "So your a wolf?" He questions.

"Were coyote." I explain.

"Right. I'm a hellhound." He explains. Shit.

"Cool, that seems fun." I explain, as he laughs.

"Yeah I guess."

We continued and he stopped. His ass in my face. "Get your ass out of my face." I say to him and he pulls me to his side and has his hand over my mouth. He points down and I see Mattee, he's laying down on a table with strings and needles attached to him.

"What the hell?" I whisper.

"I know, we need to get back before a guard comes back into our rooms." Danny says as I nod and I he starts going back as I kept looking down, not only seeing Mattee like that. Heaps of other people as well. I felt a hand on mine, I jumped. "We need to get going." I looked down at his hand on mine as he quickly removes it.

"Let's go." I tell him as he starts going. I have a last look down at Mattee and follow Danny.

We continued until we got back to the room,  he crawled first and stood and I stood up soon after. I started to panic and try to open the door, but it was locked from the outside.

"What's wrong Blaire!?" Clay asks me.

"We we we need to get out of here." I say as I look for something to block the door as I've got another idea.

"What's wrong?" Nona asks.

"What the scientists said isn't true, we need to get out of here. We need to save Mattee."

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