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Mattee grabbed my hand and we entered the building seeing hundreds of other children and teens.

"What is this place?" Mattee asks as I look at him.

"WINES." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Everyone this way." A guard says as we mash Into the sea of people.

We followed people until we got to a room, where there's a balcony that over looks everyone. A woman stand there, orange hair, hazel eyes, olive skin and clothes of a scientist.

"Hello children. You guys were chosen to be here at WINES, even though this place seems like a prison it's not. You'll be tested, think of it as a school exam." She says and Mattee and I look at each other unsure. "I'll see you all soon." She says and leaves.

Then we both felt the room being divided, I felt Mattee being pulled against me.

"Mattee!" I call, as our hands slip from each other's grip.

"Make sure we find each other!" He calls as I see it's being split from boys and girls. I look around and see that I'm alone. All of the girls stay in one spot as I keep my eyes on Mattee making sure he's ok before he's out of sight. "Brother?" I heard a voice say that broke me out of my stare.

"Pardon?" I ask the very tan girl, who is tall. She has brown hair and eyes.

"Brother, the guy you were keeping your eye on?" She asks, oh. She's talking bout Mattee.

"No. Childhood best friend, we've been through a lot." I explain.

"Nona Summers." She says with her hand out.

"Blaire Barnes." I reply as we shake each other's hands.

"Cmon ladies lets get going!" A female scientist says as we all follow.

"Let's stick together." Nona says as I nod.

We follow the scientist and we went through a room where we could see to the boys. I saw Mattee just standing there with his head down, talking to another guy. "MATTEE!" I yell and no response.

"No need to yell Ms Barnes, Mr Evans won't be able to hear you or see you. It's one way glass." She says and I sigh. We continue walking and end up in a gym, we all spread out.
"Ok everyone stretch." She says, as Nona and I start doing stretches together as everyone else was talking to the others.

"Who came with you?" I ask her.

"His name is Clay Jones, we became friends quick on the way here... How long did it take for you and your friend to get here?" She asks.

"13 hours. You?"

"42 hours." She says and my eyes widen, she's a long way from home.

"You and Clay are far away from home." I reply.

"Yeah it is, left my siblings and parents there." She says and I smile with your lips pressed together with empathy.

"Ok ladies we're doing the beep test!" The scientist says and a lot of groans went around. Nona and I didn't really seem to care. "East side of the gym."

Everyone went there as we all got ready. The beep went off and we all started jogging and eventually running. After several stages people started dropping out, it reached to level 21 and it was down to Nona and I.

"Cmon ladies!" The scientist yells as everyone watches us. We continue to go and eventually got to level 34, my PB.

Level 45.

Nona and I sprinted for level 46, I got there before her. As the beep went I was over the line.

I breathed heavy, as Nona gave me a hug.

"Well done ladies, now it's time to settle into your rooms. You'll not be mixing with the boys though and as you guys seem pretty close. You guys will be in the same room." She says as I nod and she walks off.

Day 1, easy.
Day 2, hell.

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