10.[He'll Come For The Were-Coyote.]

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Hey everyone, Danny is played by Cody Christen. But I'm using Jordan Parrish gifs to represent, so no one gets confuse. ❤️

I sat there in a corner of the very small room, being in here is making me feel insane. I stare at another wall, as I bang my fist against the wall I'm on. The bullet wound has healed, all I have been thinking of is Mattee and Danny. Along with Nona and Clay. I heard a scientist talking to the lady who put me in this hell hole.

"Miss Subject A3 doesn't look well, she hadn't had proper oxygen in a while along with food and water."

"Then get oxygen in there, but be careful cause she's the strongest here. Along with the hellhound and the chimera which happens to be her best friend." The lady who shot me says as I fell the air becoming thicker.

"Do you think her friends will save her?"

"A person I know will come for her, not Mr Evans. The Hellhound will come for her, he'll come for the were-coyote." As soon as I heard her say that, I smelt fire and heard the only person I know who is a hellhound. Danny. I look over to the door and saw a claw on the door burning.

Then I saw the door slowly coming off the hinges, seeing Danny

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Then I saw the door slowly coming off the hinges, seeing Danny. My breathing became heavier as the air became more thicker.

"He's here." The scientist who shot me says.

"He's hot." The other one says.

"I know. Cmon the guards will be coming." She says as she takes the other ones hand and leaves, as I hear the door fall.

Guards came out and one came to me, as I saw Danny punching and slashing at the guards

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Guards came out and one came to me, as I saw Danny punching and slashing at the guards. The guard who came to me, he grabbed me by the neck.

"Another step, your girlfriends dead." The guard says, and he isn't my boyfriend!

Danny came charging at him and pushed him, slashing him. As I fell to the ground as the guy made me pass out.

All I saw was flames, with Mattee and Danny. Along with Nona and Clay.

I woke up and gasped, as I saw that I was being carried by Danny. Well the hellhound. Then I saw guns, but Danny just walked past them burning them. Then I realised why aren't I burning? That's weird. Then we got back to the new room, Clay and Nona stood up. As Danny kept going to my bed, he placed me down.

Nona and Clay looked at Danny, as his flame went out. He was only left in shorts, he grabbed my hand. "Hey." I said to him.

"You ok?" He asks as I brushes some hair out of my face.

"Yeah I'm ok now." I tell him.

"Where were you?" Clay asks.

"Another Lab, we have to get Mattee." I explain trying to get up.

"No no you have to rest." Danny says to me, as he lays me back down.

"Danny please." I told him, cause I don't want to hurt him.

"You have to rest."

"They'll be coming for all of us, we need to leave." I tell him, as he looks back at the other two.

"She's got a point there." He tells them.

"We'll block the door and we can take shifts, so we can let each other know if someone's coming." Clay says and that's a good idea.

"Yeah we should do that." Nona says backing him up.

"Who's got the first shift?" Clay asks.

"I'll have the first shift." Danny says as he gets up.

"Ok cool." I tell them all.

"Everyone get some sleep." Nona says as her and Clay got to a bunk.

"Night Blaire." Danny says to me and I smile as I got to sleep.

"Mattee where are you!?" I call out.

"I'm here! Why did you leave me?" He says coming into the forest clearing.

"I'm not leaving you." I tell him.

"But you will."

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