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"Andy!! Where's my coffee?" Hermione shouted out to her secretary.
"Oh shit I forgot. I'll get in two minutes Boss." Andy replied and rushed away.
"Silly kid." Hermione shool her head. She was pondering over some cases yet to be done. The first one being her favorite one as people would say. Promotion of Elfish welfare.
It wasn't really a matter of concern but Hermione wanted to ensure that all the elfs are treated well.
She called for a list of House elfs and their owners so that she could investigate for herself.
"Thats one long list." Hermione said as she scanned the parchment.
But her eyes fell on one particular name. Draco Malfoy.
She was disturbed from her thoughts by a knock at her door.
"Miss Granger." Called out a voice from outside.
"Come in! Oh Minster Kingsley! You could havejust called for me." She said. "Please have a seat." Hermione gestured.
"The old man needs to be active." Kingsley chuckled.
"How can I help you sir?" Hermione asked.
"Hermione dear, its been quite a long time since you have workes in this department. You've done very well but one thing that concerns me is your abilities."
"I don't understand sir." Hermione was puzzled.
"Granger the Magical Law Enforcement needs a capable head. Our old one is retiring." Said Kingsley.
"I appreciate your concern but I have had enough with warfare." Said Hermione sternly.
"Dear please understand. Your wasting you talent over here. Consider it as a promotion." He explained.
Hermione was puzzled. She didn't know what to do. Her current job was as satisfying but head of law carries alot of responsibilities. No doubt she could do it but she didn't know whether she was ready for it all again.
"Sir I will need some time. Let me work on this last case a bit while I think it over." She answered
"Very well then. Please Hermione, our race needs you." Said Kingsley and exited her office.
"I need to talk with Harry. Andy!" Hermione called out.
"Yes boss." He came in.
"Call Mr. Potter and tell him I need to talk to him." She said.
"Consider it done." Andy nodded and left.

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