Chapter 23: The fight

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Cuddled up in bed with Xander is the best feeling. Touching him now isn't just a tingle anymore, but a fire. It lights my body up with electricity. My mind becomes fuzzy and the only clear picture is Xander. It feels incredible.

Xander smiled with his eyes closed.

"Lacey." He moans my name and opens his eyes.

I smile at him and his smile widens.

"I love you." He said with so much sincerity that my heart jumps a beat.

"I love you too." I say back with just as much intensity.

He kisses me and then we figured we should get up and around.

The pack house and I were eating breakfast when all of a sudden were heard a noise from outside. The whole pack went outside to see what it was. There was an army of people in hoods and weapons and the person that was standing in the front was my mother.

"What are you doing?" I shout to my mom.

"Lacey you know why I'm here."

Colton looked back at me and yelled, "You know her!"

"She's my mom." I said with disgust

Colton growled and looked at the group of hunters.

"Trust me, you don't want to fight." Colton yelled at my mom.

"Trust me we do!" She shouted back

Colton turns to us and we all look to him in anticipation. He looks at Xander and both of them nod at each other.

"Okay this is what we are going to do-"

The fight started 30 minutes ago and the women are supposed to wait inside. The women were sitting down talking and worrying while, I was looking through the window watching the fight and would jump every time Xander would get hit or close to getting hit.

I looked over at my mother and she was fighting with Kelton; a boy from the pack. Suddenly, she looks at me and then at Xander. She punches Kelton and then starts fighting her way towards Xander. I realized that she did that just because she knows what he means to me. Two of the men from the hunters army started fighting towards Xander too. I gasp when one of the men shot Xander in the shoulder. All of the wolves are in wolf form so Xander can heal quickly, but that was a close one.

I looked back at the women and back towards Xander. I can't believe they aren't doing anything! The other man shot Xander with an arrow and Xander fell to the ground. When Xander was getting up my mom shot him with an arrow. She is standing in front of him now. Xander struggles to get up, but he raises his head and saw that it was my mother. I noticed that he hesitated, but stood up. The second man shot him again with an arrow and he fell down again. I was so angry that my breaths were coming out in pants and I was shaking.

One of the women tried talking to me, but her voice sounded like a light buzz. I opened the door and charged outside. With a scream I jumped up to tackle my mother, but in mid air my clothes ripped and by the time I touched the ground I was a wolf. My mother gasped and shakenly lifted up her bow to get ready to shoot. I look at Xander on the ground and growled. All I am seeing is red and my mother is right in the middle. I jump at her and bit her in the neck. With a cry she dropped her bow, held her neck and fell to the ground. I then attacked the other two men and ripped their throats out. Huffing, I stood over Xander waiting for someone else to try to harm him. After the fight lessened, I decided to pull out Xanders' arrows with my teeth. There, now he should heal quickly. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my right shoulder and looked over. A young boy, maybe 17, shot me with an arrow. I look at the arrow that's buried in my shoulder then I looked at him and growled. His eyes widened and I jumped at him and bit his arm. He screamed with so much agony that my ears started to ring. With a huff I went back to Xander and stood over him again.

After the fight was over, most of the wolves turned back to their human form. Wolves won obviously, unfortunately, we had some casualties. Colton was hurt but not too bad and the women are surrounding him trying to get information to see if their spouse or child was hurt or worse. I stepped over Xander so I am face to face with his wolf. I lay down and now my face is next to his. Worried, sadness, and angry rushed through me at once. I hope he is okay. I whimper. I heard footsteps beside me so I hurriedly stand up and growl at the intruder, but it was only Colton. He raised his hands up in surrender and walked around Xander. He bent down and lifted Xander up in his arms.

"Follow me." Colton said entering the house. He laid Xander on the table and whispered something in his ear. I heard Xander whimper so I growled. Colton rolled his eyes but looked at Xander with anticipation. All of a sudden Xander changed in human form with a yell. Xander was breathing heavy and Colton locked the door and closed the curtains so it's just us three. Colton threw my a shirt and told me to shift. He turned around and I shifted, quickly changing. I rush towards the first aid kit to help Xander. I look at Xander with concern. Looking at him laying in fetal position with blood everywhere makes me wish I got to him sooner. I clean up his wounds and sew them closed. I did it has quickly and precise as I could. Colton lifted him up again and brought him upstairs to his bed.

"Do you think he is going to be okay?" I ask

"If I know Xander he will be up running around in no time."

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