Chapter 12:Great

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Laceys' POV
I felt an arm around me when I woke up. I knew it was Xander because of the shocks. I carefully removed his arm and went to the bathroom. I didn't want to wake him, he seems so peaceful sleeping.
I brushed my hair to the side and my teeth with white mint tooth paste. I did my business, washed my hands with strawberry soap and entered my bedroom once again. Xander was sitting up, yawning. Once, he was done he looked at my attire and smirked.
Last night I decided to wear my short black night gown that opens under the bust in an upside down V and underneath is lace. Which, I also deside to wear my lace black underwear. Hey, I figured he would stay at the pack house, but just in case he showed up I wanted to you know... look good.
"How's your morning because mine is..great." Xander said with a wink.
I blushed and bit my lip.
"Hey." I said awkwardly.
Xander laughed and walked towards me. Now if I do say so myself, he is looking great too.
Xander wrapped his arms around my waist and bent his head down. His lips skimming mine, he was about to kiss me when my bedroom door opened and Gabe walked through.
"Hey guys, I-" Gabe stopped when he looked at us.
"Uh-Right well-uh bye." With that he closed the door.
Xander groaned. "Why is he still here?"
I laughed making Xander turn to me and smile.
"He has no where to go right now." I said gently.
"You're too nice." He whispered, leaning in to me.
I met him half way and our lips met. He parted my mouth with his tounge and I opened it more. His tounge hit mine and that's when the shockes increased, making me moan.
His hands slid down to my bum and he squeezed it. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my palms on his neck bringing him closer. I grinded my hips on him and he moaned.
We heard the door open and in came Gabe...again.
"Hey guys I'm just going to say this. I want now." Gabe said.
I pulled away from Xander.
"Oh for the love of-" Xander started but Gabe interrupted.
"Oh by the way, love the outfit choice Lacey." That's when Xander ran after him.
"My eye fucking hurts." Gabe complained.
I threw him an ice pack.
"Oh don't be such a big baby." I said.
Xander punched Gabe in the face after he caught up to him. When,-I got dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a grey shirt,-I examined Gabe's eye while giving Xander a glare.
Xander smiled smugly when Gabe winced. I rolled my eyes at him, but had a faint smile. I mean I may have forgiven Gabe, but that doesn't mean he didn't deserve a punch.
"I am not being a baby. Your very big boyfriend punched me! I'm half his size, of course it hurts."
Xander smirked with a shrug. I groaned. "Just watch the T.V. please."
Gabe huffed, but flung himself on the couch anyways, turning on the T.V..
Xander came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and put my hands over his.
He started to kiss my neck sending very wanting shocks of pleasure through me. I let out a silent moan and leaned back more. I rested my head on his shoulder letting him have more access. He slid one of his hands to the top of my jeans, while sucking and nibling on my neck.
I was about to let out another moan when Xander went still. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around.
Whatever faze he was in he got out of it and bit his lip.
"I have to go." He said.
"What?" I asked, still confused.
"Just got word from Colton. He needs me back at the house." He said quietly sneaking a glance at Gabe.
"What for?"
"An issue I apparently have to solve."
"And that issue would be?" I asked, trying to usher him on.
"Uh-the elders are there and I have to see what they want."
"Who are the elders?" I asked innocently.
"Look, I really have to go. I'll answer your questions later." He said hotly before running out of the house.
I stared after him opened mouth. I shut my mouth and glared, storming off to my room.
"Stupid men and their unanswered questions." I mumbled, getting out my book and plopping down on my bed to read. I was reading this book called 'Under the Never Sky'. It's a really good book. I love the guy that's in it. He sounds so cute.
I was almost done with the book when my bedroom door opened. Xander popped his head in and smiled. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. It was 9:30 at night. I felt the bed dip as soon as I got up.
I went to my dresser and got out some pajama shorts that were pink and white striped and a white t-shirt with a pink pocket in the upper left. I went in my bathroom and changed. When I got out Xander looked at me sadly. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing just you could have been more kind to me when you left." I said crossing my arms.
Xander sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just Colton really needed me and you were asking those stupid questions, that I snapped."
I squinted my eyes in a glare and breath out an 'O'. Xander layed back and tapped the spot I would lay.
"So come on, I'll answer your questions." He said with a smile.
Even though that smile was breathtaking, I scoffed and walked out of the room, slipped my flip-flops on and left my house. I started to walk, having no idea where I was going.
  I was thinking to much of Xander and how he was so rude! He was never rude like that before. Is that how he truly is? I hope not, because if so I will not stay. I've had my heart crushed and I won't go through it again. I'm not going to let him walk over me. Oh, no, I won't! So, if he thinks my questions are stupid, then I think he's stupid, too. Yeah, and if he wants to be rude to me than I will be too. With a satisfying nod, I came back to my senses and realized I was in the woods. I stopped and looked around, I was close to the pack house so, I decided to just head there.
~*Xanders' POV*~
Lacey scoffed and stormed out of the room. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and tried to think where I messed up. Just when it hit me that I basically called her stupid the door slammed shut.
I ran out of the room to see Gabe glaring at me.
"What'd you do?!"
"Ughh! Just..shut up." I said and opened the door and looked around to see if I could see her anywhere.
"Lacey! Lacey where are you?!" I shouted. I groaned and went back inside.
"Help me find her Gabe." I said desperatly.
Gabe gave me a stiff nod. We left the house and set off into the woods.
'How could you be so stupid and rude?!' My wolf,Raphael, yelled.
'I know! I'm sorry!'
Raphael growled, 'Just find her!'
I noticed that we were close to the pack house after a few minutes of walking. I secretly inhaled to see if I could catch her sent. I noticed that she was here. She must have went to the pack house.
"Damn, it's cold, dark, and scary out here." Gabe said.
I ignored him and continued on. Lets hope that if Lacey went to the pack house, that she went there safely.

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