Chapter 9:Gabe

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  "Who are you?" Xander asked looking at the boy in front of him.
The boy looks around 20, with shaggy brown hair, tall, and a skinny frame.
The boy shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels.
"I'm Gabe."
"Uh yeah, this is Gabe. He's-" Lacey started.
"I'm an old neighbor. Lacey and I used to be really great friends."
Xander didn't like how he used the word 'really'.
Xander eyed the boy questionably.
"Oh crap!"
They boys looked at Lacey from her outburst.
"I forgot the groceries. Now since I have two boys here, you guys can carry them. Have fun." Lacey smiled and plopped down on her couch.
Lacey was worried about leaving Gabe and Xander alone, but she really didn't want to carry the groceries in.
Xander and Gabe went outside to the car and popped the trunk.
"How do you know Lacey?" Gabe asked.
"She's my girlfriend. You?"
"Oh, uh well we never dated, but we did have a fling or two." He said shrugging his shoulders.
Xander didn't like how they had a "fling". He didn't want to imagine Lacey with other men.
"So, why are you here?" Xander asked, trying not to be rude.
"Oh, no reason in particular, just wanted to patch things up."
Xander rose his eyebrows in question.
"Patch things up?"
"Yeah, we kinda left on bad terms. I just want to be friends again."
Xander and Gabe put the groceries on the counter. Lacey came up to them and started to put the food away.
"So, last I heard you never wanted to see me again." Lacey said as she reach to put the chips in the top cabinet.
"I just" Gabe sighed, " I just want to solve this. I've had a guilty conscience since I left you and then I heard you lived here. So I came down and found your place."
"Why did you enter my house?"
"Uh- I was hoping for the 'jumping in arms and kissing all over my face welcome'. But I see that didn't happen."
Lacey scoffed, "damn straight."
"Hey at least I wasn't hoping for the 'ripping eachothers clothes off and having sweaty sex welcome'."
Xander let out a quiet growl and wrapped an arm around Lacey possessivly.
"I was just joking man." Gabe said with a smirk.
"No, your door was unlocked so I just invited myself in, like I used to. Sorry."
Lacey sighed and put the rest of the food away.
"If you don't mind I need to talk to Xander. So if you'll excuse us." Lacey said grabbing Xanders hand and going into her bedroom. She locked the door and turned to a very serious Xander.
"I just figured I'd catch you up to speed here." Xander waited for Lacey to continue.
"He used to be my best friend." Lacey started. She moved over sit on her bed, Xander following.
"We used to do everything together. Everyone thought we were dating, which I was okay with because I thought I was in love with him. He never bullied me about my weight, he always stood up for me and he was there in hard times. Close to the end of senior year we got caught up in the moment and I lost my virginity to him. Afterwards, he wouldn't talk to me. I got angry and I went to his house and yelled at him. We both were screaming in eachothers faces one second, then the next we were taking eachothers clothes off."
"Everything seemed back to normal, other then us being more touchy, touchy. Before graduation I had lost a significant amount of weight and I was being noticed more. One night this guy asked me out, I said no, because I liked somebody else. Gabe found out it was him because the guy told him. Gabe distance himself from me. On Graduation day after everyone got their diplomas, I told Gabe that I loved him. He told me that I didn't and I was delusional. He said he only saw me as a friend, but now he didn't even see that. After, he told me that I started to cry then, while I'm sobbing in front of everyone he said that he never wanted to see me again."
  Xander balled his fists and took deep breaths. He wanted to go in there and kill Gabe right now. Not just because he took something precious from her, but because she gave him everything and he stomped on it and turned away.
"Lacey can I go kill him, please?" Xander begged.
Lacey laughed, but Xander was serious.
"No, you can not."
Xander huffed. Lacey got up and stratled his lap. Xander put his hands on her hips.
"But you could kiss me." Lacey whispered.
That was enough for Xander. He reached up and captured Laceys lips.
Xander flicked his tounge out and Lacey responded by opening her mouth to deepen the kiss. They both moaned and Xander flipped them over so they were laying down. Xander glided his tounge against hers. Lacey tightened her legs around his hips and brought him closer, woving her hands in his hair. Xander groaned and rubbed his friend against her core and she moaned out in pleasure. Xander broke the kiss and lightly sucked on her neck where his mark would be. Causing another moan out of Lacey. Lacey grinded her hips against Xander and he moaned, "mmm Lacey."
"Hey you better not be having sex in there!" Gabe yelled.
Xander groaned,"Are you sure I can't kill him?"
Lacey laughed and nodded,"I'm sure."

Authors A/n
Gabe in photo.

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