Chapter 22: Marked

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"Xander I have to tell you something." Lacey said in a nervous voice.

Xander and Lacey were in Xanders office and Xander was doing some pack work. He glanced at Lacey.

"What?" He asked getting back to work.

"I am serious Xander." Lacey said with a final tone.

Xander closed down his laptop and leaned forward.

"Okay you have my full attention. What's up?"

Lacey sighed and in a hurried voice she said, "My mother is the hooded person."

Xander sat up and with a striaght face he asked, "What did you just say?"

"My mom is...alive and she's..uh- the person with the hood."

"Did you know about this all this time?" 

Lacey shakes her head. "No, last night I met her in the woods and she told me."

"Why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I was scared. I still am Xander."

Lacey looks down and whispers, "She's not the mother I thought she was."

Xander looked at her with sympathy even though she couldn't see him. Xander got up and walked toward her. He bent down so he can see her face. Xander looked concerned because she had tears in her eyes. He had never seen Lacey so emotional.

"Hey, come here." Xander said in a soft tone.

Lacey sniffles and stood up with Xander and they embraced for the longest time. Xander was rubbing her back and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Lacey wiped her eyes and looked up.

"I love you Xander."

Xander smiled so wide and kissed her passionately.

"I love you too." He said after separating.

"I want you to mark me."

Xanders' eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Uh- well-uh- right now?" He asked stuttering in a squeaky voice.

Lacey nods. "Yes, right now." Lacey said seductively.

Xander grabbed Laceys' hand and ran up stairs with Lacey giggling behind him.

Everyone that was in the pack house shook thier heads with a smile. They never seen Xander act this way before. So, in love.

Lacey was marked that night and became truly one with Xander.

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