Chapter 16: Surprises

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Mia was taken to the E.R. so they can take out the arrow properly. Xander came back angry again because the mystery person got away. Right now everyone is sitting in the living room going over what has happened and what are move is next.
People started yelling at Colton to do something. I looked over at Xander and saw he had a confused face. I got up and sat by him. "What's wrong?" I whisper to him.
"I'm just wondering who helped Mia."
"Oh that was me." I said and turned back to the people yelling.
Xander POV
Lacey helped Mia? I didn't know she knew how to do that stuff. I wonder where she learned that.

Tonight hasn't been going smoothly. The part about the hunter that came didn't anger me. Him even getting away didn't anger me. What angered me was how he looked at Lacey before running away. No one looks at her, but me. I'm not sure if he was a hunter, but that is what I'm assuming because he knew we were werewolves.
I looked over and saw Gabe and Katrina all close and it made me want to punch him..again and makes me want to barf at the same time. I know what he did to Lacey, my mate, and I don't want him to do that to my sister. Just know that if he does hurt anyone of them his head is going to be ripped off and fed to the wild. While his body is being chopped into little pieces. Don't mess with my girls.
Lacey looked over at me strangely making me wonder if she knew what I was thinking. I kind of hope not because I went a little dark for a second. I have heard of mates being able to mind link before mating, but they all were werewolves not human. Since Lacey is human right now until my mark. It won't work.
Lacey shook her head and turned her attention back to the angry crowd. I could tell that Colton was getting fed up.
"Hey!" I bellowed and the room got quiet. "How about half of you go to the E.R. and support Mia while some of you get some rest and then the people that are left figure out who the hooded character was. What he wants, why he came here, and if he's a threat." Colton nodded in agreement.
I know that Colton has had it tough and he wasn't fully trained to be an alpha, he's been learning on the way, but come on. He could of done what I just did. His my best bud though I got his back no matter what.
People followed my orders and
I saw Lacey yawn. I felt bad instantly. She has done a lot tonight and it has been stressful. I picked her up which she yelped in surprised.
"I'm taking you to bed so you can sleep."
She smiled and layed her head on my shoulder. I took her upstairs and put her on the bed. I layed beside her and once we were snuggled up we both fell asleep fast.

LycanthropeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon