Chapter 15: Robin Hood

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"I can't believe he's my sister's mate?!" Xander growled.
"She was bound to have a mate." I stated.
"Yeah, I know that, but with him? Of all people!"
I sighed and hugged Xander from behind. He was breathing heavy and his fist were clenched. I kissed his shoulder up to his neck. I layed my head on his back and we just stood there for awhile. Xander sighed and turned around quickly. He left my chin up and kissed me. I squeaked in surprised and he laughed through the kiss, pulling me closer. When we broke apart he rested his forehead against mine.
"I'm sorry, for everything that has happened tonight. I'm going to try and make it up to you."
I shrugged and said , "It's okay as long as you keep kissing me like that I'm sure we'll do just fine."
Xander chuckled and gave me a hug. We got settled in the bed and was about to fall asleep until we heard screaming from downstairs.

We all rushed in the backyard and saw a young girl on the ground with an arrow in her stomach and a person dressed in a hood with a cross bow. The person was in all black so we couldn't see their face. Just before the wolves started charging the person. I could have sworn the person stopped and stared at me before leaving. Xander ran off after the person with the others and I was standing there shocked at what has happened. I heard the girl cry out in pain and saw a women trying to take out the arrow.
"No! Stop!" I shouted. The lady stopped and looked at me. I bent down and stared at the wound.
"If you pull it out she'll die of blood lost." I explained. The women quickly backed out of the way and let me take over.
"We need to clean what we can of the wound. I need some water with salt or peroxide." I ordered.
The women from before left to get me some supplies.
While she left I tried talking to the young girl.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Thats pretty. How old are you Mia?"
"Wow! What's your favorite thing to do?"
"I like to paint."
"Really? What do you paint?"
"The ocean or my mom."
The lady came back with peroxide and some rags.
"This is going to sting okay?"
Mia nodded and I poured the poroxide on the wound she flinched and balled her fist in pain.
"Why do you paint your mom?"
I asked while applying pressure to the wound with the rags.
"She died when we had a big war. So, I paint her so she's always in my memories and I never forget her."
I looked at the young girl and noticed how strong she is. He mom passed, I don't see a father, she just go hit with an arrow and not even crying, and she is letting a complete stranger hold her life in thier bare hands.
"I'm proud of you Mia." I said just before everyone came back and we heard an ambulance pull up.

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