Killer Killer What a Thriller

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Jess slammed her hand on the alarm clock that blared in her ears. She looked up at the time and groaned. 5:30am. It was time for her to get her butt up and go to work. She reluctantly rolled out of bed and started her morning routine. 

Derek watched from the woods as his mate got out of bed and shuffled around her house. She was beautiful in the morning. She looked perfectly authentic with her baggy clothes and curly mop of hair on her head. He watched curiously as she tossed clothes on her bed and picked up a brush to brush her hair. He wished he were in there so badly. His whole body ached at the fact that she was so far away yet so close to him, but he knew he needed to keep his distance and wait. He needed to wait for Scott and Stiles to simmer down and for this new threat to be eliminated. 

He hated that this "alpha" was out there right now. He needed to be smart and try to stay away from his mate but he knew it would be incredibly hard. He didn't want the alpha catching wind that he had a mate now. It showed weakness and that was something Derek didn't need right now. Once Jess disappeared into the bathroom Derek turned and left, hoping that one day he'd be hers. 

Jess rested her chin in her hand as she waited for the morning rush of people at the coffee shop where she worked. It wasn't the best job but it was enough for her to keep her parents house and be able to go to school. It was only quiet this morning and Jess was itching for someone to walk through the door. 

As she waited she shifted her attention to the small tv in the corner that played the morning news. A new story popped up and there was a scene with caution tape around it. Intrigued, Jess scrambled to find the remote and turned the volume up. She listened intently to the reporter talk about an incident that had happened that night. 

"The sheriffs department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition", the reporter said nodding into the camera. 

The sound of a customer coming into the coffee shop pulled Jess from the tv and she was forced to turn it down.  

"Just a small cup of coffee", the customer stated, "black". 

Jess looked up and the air around her seemed to shift. A man was standing in front of her. He braced his hands on the counter and was leaning towards her smiling creepily. Jess wanted to shutter but instead put on a smile and nodded, "Of course". 

The man was probably about 40 years old but was still very handsome. He had the same kind of piercing green eyes that Derek had which was peculiar to Jess. 

She moved behind the counter to make his coffee before the man followed her on his side of the counter. 


Jess's head snapped up from the cup as the unknown man said her name. 

"What?" She asked caught off guard. 

"The name tag", he mused looking down at her name tag then shifting his gaze to her breasts. 

She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and continued to make his coffee, so he could leave. 

"My nephew has been talking about a Jess, maybe it is you?" He asked shifting his gaze back to Jess's face. 

Jess quickly poured his coffee into a to-go cup and pressed the lid on and moved back to the cash register. 

"It'll be $2.10", she muttered taking the man's credit card and ignoring his prying conversation. 

He flashed Jess a large smile as he grabbed the credit card back from Jess, along with his coffee.  He turned his back to her as he was leaving and Jess felt a wave of relief wash over her. 

Just as he started to open the door he turned around towards Jess and cocked his head, revealing a shivering grin, "Maybe you aren't Derek's girl". 

At the sound of Derek's name, Jess's head snapped up and she narrowed her eyes at him. All of Derek's family was dead...weren't they? Jess didn't remember hearing about an Uncle. 

"Who are you?" 

The man chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. As he looked up he winked at her.

"Peter," he said lowly, "Peter Hale". 

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