Black Cars and Black Storm Clouds

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Previous: What if he failed.

After Derek's talk with Scott, he was quick to hop in the car and made his way around town searching for Jess's scent. He needed to make sure she was safe. He passed Beacon Hill High School and stopped right outside of Jess's college classroom. He could smell the faint vanilla scent leading up to the school and he instantly felt calm. He knew she was safe and he was no doubt going to keep making sure she was safe. 

Jess sat in her class, soaking up the information that her professor was teaching them. The professor pulled down a screen and clicked on the projector. 

'Werewolves' was typed in large bold letters on the screen.

Jess shuttered without realizing why. She knew this section of the curriculum was coming up. They had just ended their Japanese folklore section and were now moving onto the usual stereotypical myths and folklore that we all know of today. 

The concept of werewolves disturbed Jess slightly. It was mostly because actual wolves were real and dangerous. She shivered imaging what a man-like beast could do to her or to anyone. 

"What do we know about werewolves?" the professor asked.

He pressed a key on his laptop and a very old drawing of a werewolf popped up on the screen. A hand popped up in front of her and the professor nodded his head in her direction. 

"They shift into a wolf on a full moon, silver hurts them, and they typically stay in packs", the girl in front of Jess answered proudly. 

The professor smiled slightly and then moved back behind his computer before clicking a few buttons. 

"A werewolf or a lycanthrope indeed has the ability to shape shift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature. In myths, the change can be initiated by the moon and in other instances initiated by the beast itself. These beliefs can be traced back to Proto-indo-european mythology, where lycanthropy is reconstructed as an aspect of the initiation of the warrior class. There are however, a few references to men changing into wolves are found in Greek literature", the professor rambled on. 

A boy in the back of the room spoke up hastily, "Does that mean this could actually be real? Were wolves could be out there?". 

Jess rolled her eyes. He always asked 'if it could be real' in every section that they covered. The professor always ignored him and it made Jess like the professor even more. She waited for the professor to keep talking but he just looked up at the boy in the back. 

"If any of the folklores or myths were to be based on reality...if any of them were to be discovered as a truth and not a myth", he said very seriously.

His eyes flickered over to Jess for only a second before returning to the boy, "It would be the story of the lycanthrope". 

Derek waited patiently in the parking lot. He could hear the lecture that Jess was sitting in on. They were talking about werewolves and he listened very carefully to Jess's heartbeat as her professor explained. He was hoping she would think it was interesting. Her heart beat was erratic, and he gripped the steering wheel tightly. She was nervous.

He waited for another 30 minutes and then sat up in his car as students started to pile out of the building. His eyes scanned the crowd to find Jess. He growled contently when he saw her. She had her head down and was pulling her coat around her small body. He pulled out of the parking lot and over to the sidewalk where she headed down the road. 

Jess groaned when the first couple of rain droplets hit the top of her head. Now that she refused to take her short cut, her walk home was around 20-25 minutes from her school. She would be walking home in the rain today, she guessed. Jess pulled her hood up and crossed her arms as she stomped down the sidewalk. 


Jess yelped and jumped in place as a voice called out to her. Derek's black car was next to her and she furrowed her eyebrows. How the hell had she not noticed it was there? She clutched her chest as her heart beat erratically and instantly blushed at the fact that he had snuck up on her a second time. She was instantly caught off guard when Derek gave her a smirk. 

"You're a stalker", she said trying to get her heart not to pop out of her chest. 

Derek's smirk faded. 

"Its about to pour", he stated pointing towards the sky. 

Jess looked up and rain droplets hit her face. The dark clouds above her seemed to get darker by the minute and as if on cue the sound of thunder rumbled through the town. Yes, Yes it was about to pour. 

Derek reached over and popped the passenger door open and Jess looked reluctantly at it. She thought about what Derek's uncle had said. She was Derek's girl? She didn't think so and she didn't want Derek to hang onto that impression...but it was about to storm and she wasn't a big fan of getting drenched. 

Jess huffed as she slid into the car and shut the door. She could've sworn she saw Derek's eyes light up but as soon as she thought she saw it, it was gone. 

"I have to get some gas", Derek stated, glancing over at her. 

She nodded her head and pointed towards the gas station down the road. It had gotten incredibly dark but the gas station was still illuminated. 

"Go to that one. I have to go to work anyway, and its right after the gas station"

Love bites- Derek HaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon