Lone Wolf| Part 2

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Previous: "Now, where did you find her scent?"

Jess treaded carefully in the woods. It had been a while since she had been back in Beacon Hills. She had tried to wait and postpone her return as long as she could but with the full moon coming up she knew she had to get back. 

She had made it back to her house and now she was on her way to find Scott McCall. He was the one person that knew what Derek had condemned them to and she hoped he could help her. Jess hoped Scott would be on her side. Scott was young but he seemed to be passionate and caring and thats what Jess needed to rely on. 

She took another careful step before getting a whiff of another werewolf. 

"Sh*t", Jess mumbled under her breath as she felt a presence near her. 

She slowly turned around, not sure what to expect when she did. A woman stood about ten yard away with her hands stuffed in her leather jacket. She was young, probably not even out of high school yet but her demeanor was off putting. She tilted her head at Jess and smiled crookedly at her. 

"Well, well. I guess we found our mystery girl...I still can't really see why he was so set on finding you", the young woman  said.  

Jess clenched her fists and stood firm. 

"I don't want any trouble...I'm just passing through"

The woman chuckled and shook her head, "You're not going anywhere. I get a treat for finding you". 

Jess took a step back only to hear the sound of three other approaching the pair. She turned her head to get a look at the pack that was circling around her like predators about to catch their prey and that's when she saw it. Him. 

Derek's face was hard and his facial expression didn't change at all at the fact that she was standing right in front of him. It almost hurt her feelings but then she remembered what he did to her. Her heart however, despite the fact that she hated him, still fluttered with excitement. 

"Jess. You're coming with us", Derek said strongly. 

It made Jess twitch. The way he said her name sounded harsh. It sounded nothing like the caring guy that had held her face near the gas station or the guy who saved her from Peter.  He was strong. He sounded strong. He had a pack that was rallying behind him. He was an Alpha now. 

He had changed so much but had Jess really known him to begin with? She shook it off. She must not have because Derek was dark. Derek was dangerous now. Jess felt an urge to follow him without a fight but she stood her ground. 

"Why?", Jess asked gritting her teeth. 

She could hear in the back of her head what Derek had said to her before he killed Peter, 'I need you'. She wondered what he needed her for. 

Derek blinked at her and then looked around the pack. Boyd, Isaac and Erica looked dumfounded at Jess. You don't back talk an Alpha unless you want a fight. 

"Because I'm the alpha"

Jess looked around the pack and sighed. There was no way she could take all of them in a fight. She would die and probably very painfully. 

"I'll only go if you send your guard dogs off", Jess said. 

She heard one of the men beside Derek growl in contempt. Derek immediately snapped his gaze over to the young werewolf and his growl stopped. He made a small nod with his head and the three pack members disappeared from the forest. 

As soon as the three werewolves left Jess stomped right up to Derek. 


Derek cut her off and held up a hand. 

"Wait. They aren't out of range yet", He said harshly. 

Jess crossed her arms and grumbled to herself as Derek stared off into the woods. 

Derek listened closely until he couldn't hear his pack anymore. He looked down at Jess. The first thing he had noticed was she looked tired. There were bags under her eyes and her shoulders seemed to slump down as if she had carried something heavy on her back for many miles. 

Jess looked up at him with fire in her eyes and opened her mouth to, what Derek presumed would be constant yelling. 

Before she could get words out of her mouth, Derek grabbed her face and brought her lips to his. He had been waiting to do this since the first time he had laid eyes on her and now it was actually happening. Derek was ecstatic. He had never felt a rush so thrilling as kissing Jess felt. Sparks erupted from his feet to the top of his head and he couldn't get enough. He could kiss Jess forever and never worry about anything but Jess had other plans. 

She pushed back hard on his chest and once Derek's lips detached from his, she pushed him back again. 

"What the f*ck? What gives you the right to do that after what you did?" Jess yelled stepping back a few paces. 

Derek stood there dumfounded with his arms slightly out. He had had her in his arms. He had been kissing her and now here we were again. 

"I'm sorry", Derek blurted after a minute of silence. 

Jess looked at him incredulously and shook her head. 

"I'm sorry? Thats all you can say? I had a chance to have a normal life and you took that away from me and you took it away from Scott...You can't just say that you're sorry." Jess yelled as she tried to contain her anger. 

Derek shook his head and looked around the forest. He had so many things to say to her. He wished that Jess had never known about the cure and he wished that they could be happy together. 

"I thought I lost you", Derek said not meeting Jess' eyes. 

Jess laughed and turned away from him. 

"You did lose me Derek"

Love bites- Derek HaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora