Chapter 89

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"As you wish, your highness."

I roll my eyes but smile anyway. "What is it I mustn't forget about today."

"The Lilithians." She says and I feel my body tense. "As you know this coven won't accept you-"

"What is their point anyway?! I'm half demon while they just liked the idea of picking Lilith as name."

This coven has done nothing but trouble. They are just a bunch of rogues. Abandoned from their original covens. I guess it is some kind of hobby for them to question other one's leader. Now that they headed about me they question my authority in any possible way. They even killed a few of my people or convinced them to join them.

I will so kill them. For taking my people and killing those who would stay loyal to their queen.

Today a subordinate would come for negotiations and I'll try to get the leader here to kill him or her. After that the rest will be easy to dispose.

"I'm sorry. I'll get ready and meet the subordinate. You go and prepare everything."

"Understood." She says, nods and leaves again.

Once I sit on my throne a girl walks towards me. But I can feel that she isn't the subordinate. She doesn't feel like someone supernatural either. Seems like they still hide.

She bows down and hands me a letter. She then uses a knife and cuts open her throat. She falls to the ground and my vampire guards all have their gaze fixed on her.

I roll my eyes. "You can take her."

Vampires... That's why I don't want to be one.

Ever since John and I are married he tries to convince me to become a vampire but I ways refuse. I did agree to drink his blood every once in a while that he is not worrying so much anymore.

I know I will become a vampire someday but I want to wait a little. I have much time anyway. After all he is more than 2000 years older than me. I guess I am scared. That I might change or that I might not wake up. After all I am not human.

I read the letter and rip it into pieces.

Like I said, they still hide.

They want me to send someone to respond to their letter and if they agree with my offer, they will stop questioning me.

"What did it say?" Victoria asks.

"They want a reply."

"What do you want me to tell them?"

I smirk at her.

One week later I sit on my throne again. But without both, Victoria and John, I turned into another person.

I see it myself and it frightens me. But I can't do anything against it.

I'm turning cold again.

"Your highness-"

"Let her in." I reply with a small wave.

I feel like I'm being part of the throne. Cold and unable to totally shatter. Only to melt and form.

A young woman steps in front of me, a smirk plastering her face. She has a present in her hands, all pretty and all wrapped up.

"I came with both, a reply and a present." She walks up to me and hands me the present.

I open the package and my eyes widen.

It's Victoria's head.

I take it in my hands and stare at it in disbelief.

The vampire's maidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora