"That's a hundred miles in the opposite direction." Lori complained.

Oh look who's complaining, the woman who talks the talk but does not walk the walk. Abby told me that she overheard Lori telling Carl to avoid me.

Apparently I'm too reckless and a bad influence. Yet I'd be more capable of protecting him than she would.

"That's right but it's away from the hot zone. If that station is operational, then it's heavily armed. We'd be safe there." Shane stated.

"The military were on the front lines, they got overrun. We've all seen that. The CDC is our best choice and Jim's only chance." Rick explained.

They both good arguments, I'll give them that. The military is nonexistent at this point, otherwise they would have saved us already.

Yet Shane is correct in saying that it's away from the hot zone. Less people around, less walkers around.

"You go lookin for aspirin, do what you need to do, someone's gotta have the balls to do what has to be done." Daryl exclaimed.

He lunged at Jim with a pickaxe. I stepped back to avoid being near him when he has a weapon. My annoying personality tends to make people want to murder me. Rick pointed a gun at Daryl's head and he stopped moving.

"Hey, we don't kill the living." Rick protested.

Well, he doesn't. Most of the group probably agrees with him. It's what will get them killed one day. Having the courage to take out the enemy is what keeps someone alive. They'll see that soon enough.

"That's funny comin from a man who just put a gun to my head." Daryl stated.

"We may disagree on some things, not on this. Put it down, go on." Shane ordered.

Daryl dropped the axe and stormed off. I sighed and rubbed my eyes growing tired of these debates. It's going to be a long day if we keep up like this.


Abby looked at the, now truly dead, body of Amy and Ryan sitting next to Andrea. He seemed to be trying to talk to her.

It was pointless because she clearly couldn't grieve properly. I went to Abby and made her look away from Amy's body.

"Don't look, Abby. People find it weird when others stare at corpses." I commented.

"But that's Amy. She used to hang out with me and Ryan." Abby said.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I pondered how to tell her that they were doing more than hanging out. Abby's eyes wandered to her body again and I worried that this'll scar her. This world will change her, but maybe it doesn't have to happen this quickly.

"Not anymore. I know it's not pretty to see so much death. But you have to get used to it and learn to live with it." I stated.

There was no point in trying to be gentle about it. Our family survives by staying strong together. Abby is still young. She needs her family's strength until she learns to have her own.

"Are we going to end up like her? And like Jim?" Abby asked.

Her eyes were filled with such innocence when looking up at me. I don't think she understood the weight of her question.

Solitude -> The Walking DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora