Chapter 13|The Beginning

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??? P. O. V

"I didn't know you got the guts to do such thing. You know your ruining my plan"the guy in the hood said as he was sitting in a black chair and his hands laying in the armchair.

"Hmm? Really? Well remember. I'm white and your black. I'm here to put out that dark side of yours,Senjou."the girl in a white hood who is sitting in a white chair said and her hands are laying in the armchair. "Would you just mind your own business? I mean mind your own world. This isn't a world for you. Find another one because my world is full chaos and war."he said.

The girl smiled and said"And that's why I'm doing this. I'm here to find my world in this chaotic world you have".The guy slightly showed her right eye,it was colored red. Dark red and it was glowing. "Finding your world in my world? You will find nothing. Only sadness, despair, anger and especially death. Don't put your dirty works in my world. Put them aside and find a world to do those things"he said. The girl flinched and grinned."Dirty work? I should be the one who is saying that. Don't worry I'll cleaned up your dirty works and sooner or later that world of yours will be conquered by me"she said. The guy stared at the girl's eyes. "You better prepare for the consequences when you fail"he said. The girl showed her right eye and smirked. "Sure,I'll be ready" her eyes glowed too but it was tortoise colored eye that was glowing. The room that they're in was filled with a scary atmosphere.


Third Person's P. O. V

The military tank drove so fast causing a gust of ashes form in the back of the tank as it moves.

"Kartolini Base must be near! Right, Kanan?"Eli ask still her eyes are on the road. Kanan nodded and said"Yeah,only few meters to pass then Kartolini Base will be in our vision."Once Kanan said that Eli quickly speed up the tank and right before their eyes Kartolini Base was be seen from afar. Once they reach Kartolini Base,4 Slayers came over saying them to go down from the tank to identify them. As they go down, Slayers look at them curiously.

"Are you citizens? What are you doing in here?"one of the slayers ask while he was holding hatchet. "We're not citizens. We're here to visit a friend named Tojo Nozomi. We're not looking for a trouble."Eli said as she confront the slayers. Everyone was stun by her beauty she has but in the same time they was getting curious.

Nozomi appeared and saw Eli. "Elicchi? What are you doing in here? "Nozomi ask Eli. Eli quickly went to Nozomi and put her hands to her shoulders. "Nozomi. You must evacuate! This place will be soon,raid by the Russian fighters! If you don't go now there's no chance that you'll come out here alive!"Eli said. "Ru-Russian Fighters!?B-But why!? I thought they're in the middle of-"Eli cutted of Nozomi and said"Russia are planning to attack inside Japan and target the people who is protecting the Japan Government! And that's you slayers! In other words Hunters and Russia is helping together to take over Japan!".Once Eli said that everyone was surprised except for Kanan who already know what is happening. Nozomi held Eli's hand and frowned. "But how? When there's victims inside the basement and it will took a day before we're full evacuate from here"Nozomi said. Eli then look down and look back at Kanan.

"Kanan"Eli said. Kanan paid attention. "You know what to do."then Kanan nodded and went back to military tank and drive it to somewhere. "Where is she going, Elicchi?"Nozomi asked. "She's going to attack the rocket where the Russia Fighters are in, with her Nuclear Sniper 0.2 assault rifle."Eli explained. "Eh!? But isn't that dangerous!?"Nozomi exclaimed. Eli shook her head and look at the slayers. "I know you, Slayers. Don't know me that much but let me say this to all of you that I'm the only one who can protect you all for now. If the Russian Fighters survive from the explosion of the rocket they'll be heading towards here and if you guys won't get ready, all of you will die"Eli said causing everyone to prepare. Nozomi look at Eli and said"Will it really be okay?".Eli nod and said"It will. I'm sure of it"


Honoka swing her katana once again to the figure and swing it once again now targeting its body. The figure dodge and pulled the katana away from Honoka and threw it away. "Pathetic. You didn't even got the chance to hit me. Are you trying to kill me or just playing with me?"The figure said as Honoka became tired and fell down to her knees. "Honoka-chan!"Kotori exclaimed. Honoka look up at the figure and said"Why you.."

"I don't know why but I think your not really in your limit. Should I kill you now or still play with you?"the figure asked. Honoka once again stood up but now a stunning aura formed around her. Two blades slid down her sleeves.She put one of the blades to her mouth and one still in her hands.

"Wait, what are you trying to do?"the figure ask as it look at Honoka dumbfounded.

Honoka held the blade in her mouth and slide it in her tongue causing her tongue to bleed and causing a trail of blood in the blade. Once she's finish putting a trail of blood in the blade she then put the blades together. The two blades assemble causing the blood pour down to the end of the other blade, a smoke formed when the blood reached the end of the other blade,then it became hard causing it to look like blood made holder.

The figure just stood up there and said"Bokuiraros Sword.. So that's her power. To make weapons on her own.From her blood. So that's the power of the Awaken Slayer".

"I'm not here to play with you. I'm here to force you to talk to where is our friend, Umi-chan. I know she's alive for I, can feel her presence nearby"Honoka said enough for Kotori to hear it. "Ho-Honoka-chan but that's.. Impossible"Kotori said.

"Even if she's alive I'm not still gonna tell you"the figure said. Honoka suddenly rush into the figure. "TELL ME WHERE IS SHE!"Honoka shouted as she swing over the figure's body.


Kanan arrived in the Sorakakanjo Mountain."Hmm.. I think this is the best place where I can attack the rocket."Kanan said as she put out the Nuclear Sniper 0.2 assault rifle. "This should do it. I need enough distance and this is the perfect place for it"Kanan said as she started to take target in the rocket.

As she was about to shoot a hand was felt in her shoulder. "It's not gonna reach, so don't even try"a feminine voice was heard. Kanan quickly look back and saw a girl wearing a vest with a Killer on it.

To be continue...

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