Chapter 11|P.R.I.N.T.E.M.P.S

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Honoka's P. O. V

We've reached the Tokyo Middle Forest at the time 12:45 in the midnight. The aura and atmosphere that is surrounding the forest is filled with blood lust.

"Tokyo Middle Forest.. According to squad 12 who had entered this forest 2 years has passed. When they entered this forest,silence is the first thing that welcomed them. Then after few days of investigating they've found out that 20,000 of the government's soldiers died here in an ugly way. Where all of the soldiers are hanging in the trees. After investigating they've decided to return back to HQ but to their surprise they never got to exit this forest. They died. That was the only report for this forest."Hanayo said as she step back a little shivering.

I look at Hanayo and said"Is there any person that might exit this forest,safe and sound?".Hanayo shook her head as a no. "This must be the Hunter's slaughtering place... A lot of rumors said that most of our friend slayers are brought here and killed.More says that there 25 hostages were taken here and were use as experiment subjects. And as results they've become one,dangerous and massive weapon in a form of a human called, Hoshizora Rin"Kotori said."Eh Kotori-chan where did you get that information?"I ask her. She wink and smiled"Its a secret."

"Hoshizora...Rin..?"Hanayo said. "Do you know her, Hanayo-chan?"I ask her. She look at me and shook her head."So are we going to enter the forest or not? Because we can't just stand here all day"Kotori said taking the lead. "B-But what if we can'tgo out of this forest?"Hanayo ask worried. I tap her shoulder and gave her an assuring smile"Don't worry, Hanayo-chan! If we never get out of this forest, I swear I'll make a plan to get out!"I said putting a thumbs up.

"Are you telling us you don't have any idea what is gonna happen to us in there?"Hanayo and Kotori asked me as they were surrounded with a disbelief aura.
I smiled once again and said"YEP!"as I walk inside the forest.

"We're gonna die"I heard Hanayo and Kotori said. I giggled as they followed me.

Third Person's P. O. V

An orange haired was sitting in a tree branch watching the three slayers entering the forest.

"Mistress is right nya~!They are here!"she said as she stomp her Lance at the wooden branch and she disappeared once again when the gust of wind surrounded her.


"It smells blood in here"Honoka said as she looks around. Hanayo and Kotori sweatdrops and said"Thats why this is called blood lust forest, Honoka-chan..".Honoka smiled and grinned. "Ah, Ahahaha gomen".

"It weird though"Kotori said. "What's wrong, Kotori-chan?"Hanayo ask Kotori. "I can feel someone is watching us"Kotori answered. "W-wait!"Honoka exclaimed as she was filled with an afraid aura."What is it, Honoka-chan!? Did you saw something?"both Kotori and Hanayo ask Honoka. "N-no. M-maybe the dead's ghost is hunting us!!!"Honoka said as she starts to panic.

"-sweatdrops-seriously?"then both Kotori and Hanayo facepalmed.

"-giggles-Konnichiwa nya~"a voice was heard.

Honoka, Kotori and Hanayo look back and saw a girl with a short orange-haired girl giggling at them."Wh-who are you!? Are you the ghost who is hunting us!?"Honoka ask as she starts to shiver. "Uh no nya~I'm not a ghost nya~"the girl answered.

"Nya~I think your the girl,mistress is talking about nya~"she said as she pointed at Honoka."What are you talking about? And why are you nya-ing?"Honoka asked. Then Kotori readied herself and said"Honoka-chan... She's here to get you".

"W-What!?"Honoka exclaimed."I think she's the massive weapon that Kotori-chan is talking about, Honoka-chan"Hanayo said as she readied herself too. Honoka gulp and look at the girl.

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