You Dumb Ass!

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I woke up and looked around the small hospital room that looked oddly familiar...

"Miko! You fucking dumb ass! Why the hell did you get in the way!" Erika yelled at me.

I gave her my best innocent look. "I got bored!"

"You. Got. Bored." She repeated exasperatedly. I nodded and grinned.


Erika's Pov


She. Got. Bored.

That's IT? No "I wanted to help," No "I slipped on a rock" or some usual excuse. BUT THIS TIME It's gone TOO far. 

I hate Sakura. 

"Sup?" I heard the guy called Kakashi say, and I sighed. "She fell back asleep." 

"Really? Well, do you want to move around, eat something, take a nap?" He asked, concerned. 

I smiled. "It's okay, Sensei. Thanks for asking though." 

He looked at me one more time and then gave me a smile, walking out of the room.

I sighed and leaned back on the chair, not wanting to dose off in case Sakura came in, or something.

"Boo." I heard in my ear, and I flicked Sasuke on the head. 

"You noticed?" He asked, surprised. 

"Yeah, I get this feeling whenever someone comes near me." 


"Maybe. Why are you here?" 

"Well, I came here to check on two lovely girls." He shrugged. "Naruto wanted to come, but he had to go do some random stuff." 

"....Hey, what the hell was with that dancing earlier?" I asked, curious.

"Hn." He cleared his throat and looked away. 

Ugh, he's so normal looking....I can't wait till he grows up. I thought. Wait, what did I say?!?! 

"...Why did you DANCE?" I asked again, exasperated.

"......Gah, fine. Gaara and I had a bet, and he won, so at that moment he told me to start dancing." He said, blushing while looking away.

I looked at him and started laughing. 

Gasping over, I laughed until there were tears in my eyes, and even then I was still laughing. 

"Hn." He walked to the door again, and Sakura literally walked into him.

I suddenly stood up, all of my senses ringing. "Leave." I said coldly, while glaring holes into her head.

"Why should I?" She raised an eyebrow, challenging me to do something about it.

"...." I glared at her. 

"Thought so." She sniffed and turned to Sasuke, and jumped back at his look. 

In a heartbeat, I was in front of her. 

"I didn't answer your question, yet did I? Didn't your mother teach you manners?" I said to her,  she looked at me, slightly afraid. 

Damn it...I don't like to make people mad at me...but something about this girl throws me off.

Before I had thought of anything, I spoke again, each word harsh. "TO answer your question: I can tear you limb by limb and suck your blood dry, I have more natural power than you, 1,000 times stronger than you..I'll take you on ANYTIME, anywhere, as LONG as Miko doesn't see." I whispered.

She gulped, and then stood in a pose. "How about now?" She emphaised every word slowly, beckoning me to say yes, she raised a perfectly straight pink eyebrow and looked at me straight in the eye. 

But I'm tired....

"Fine." I shrugged off the warning signals blaring off in my head.

"Meet me on the roof." Sakura smirked and laughed to herself. "That is if your not too scared."

"I'm not scared," I cocked my head to the side giving her a smirk.


20minutes later...on the roof


"Oh you finally made it, pinkette?" I said casually, as my blood felt like it turned ice-cold.

"Hell yeah! I'm going to bash your ego into the ground, Cha!"

I stifled a laugh at her pitiful taunt. "Bring it then."

Sakura ran at me with her fists balled up, like she was channeling chakra down to them.

She's already being taught by the Sayian...this might be a little difficult...

I slowly grabbed my small cylinder object from my waist, and imagined it changing into a full-sized scythe. Seconds later it transformed into exactly what I wanted. 

This shouldn't take too Long...


Unknown's POV


My annoying bomb happy partner, stood at the foot of a hospital bed, grinning like an idiot. "This is the one that HE wanted, right?"

I pretended to look disinterestedly at the girl who laid sleeping. 

I have to admit...she is awfully cute... 

"Yeah, she fits the description and all...but I'm keeping this one." I said with a dangerous tone in my voice, daring him to say something about it.

He just looked at me surprised, "Okay... Danna... you can have this one, but where can we get another one who fits the exact same descr-." He was interrupted as a girl with pink hair fell through the ceiling unconscious.

"What the fu-." I began, but kept quiet when I saw a second girl who matched all the requested characteristics perfectly, jump down from the broken ceiling. She glanced at Deidara and I, her eyes widened in reconginition. 

"Your Sasori & Deidara! From the Akatsuki!" Her mouth was agape.

"Yeah, and you are?" I asked as I prepared one of my special jutsu's that I used to knock people unconscious.

"I'm...Erika..." Her eyes shifted to the girl in my arms, just as she was about to say something, I snapped my fingers, spreading an airborn poison that spread like wild-fire. The poison had no effect on Deidara because before we came here I made him drink a vial of the antidote, just in case I were to use it.

"Grab her and let's go, I have plans for this one." I smirked as I picked up the girl with the flowing dark blue hair.

I looked at her hospital bracelet. The name Miko was etched on it.

"This one's name is Miko..." I simply stated, gesturing to the girl in my arms. 


End of pov


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