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"Morning, Jin-hyung."

"Why are you up this early, Tae? Are you sick?" Seokjin joked, placing freshly baked pretzels onto the counter.

"Not sick, but hungry." The younger grabbed a pretzel and started munching on it. "Jimin has to go somewhere before school so he's picking me up earlier today."

It was a couple minutes after eight when some regular visitors entered the café and ordered off the breakfast menue.

It had been exactly a week after Seokjin had talked to the mysterious boy, which meant he would see him again today.

"Hi, I'd like to talk to the owner." A pale black haired boy had entered the café who left Taehyung speechless for a moment.

"That's him." The brunette pointed at his brother, not taking his eyes off of the boy.

"How can I help you?" Seokjin smiled.

"I'm Min Yoongi." The skinny boy said in a deep morning voice. "I saw the help wanted sign and I'd like to apply for the job."

"You're hired." Taehyung said, internally screaming at how beautiful the boy was.

"Tae, go to school." Seokjin ordered. Rolling his eyes, he jumped off the bar stool and said his goodbyes when Yoongi gave him a sleepy smirk.

"Sorry about my brother. I'm Kim Seokjin." After they had bowed, Seokjin continued talking.

"How about you come again tomorrow for a trial work day, sound good?"

"Yes, that's perfect." Yoongi smiled gratefully.

"Let's say you start at... 10, since you're looking pretty tired right now. I guess starting work at 8 would be torture for you." Seokjin laughed when Yoongi's cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.

"I'll be there. Thanks again." He smiled and waved goodbye before he left.

At 10.15am, the familiar boy had entered the café, punctually as usual. He sat down in his regular seat and took off his jacket.

Seokjin had already prepared his caramel mocha and blueberry muffin, so he went over to him.

"Good morning." He smiled, placing the orders on the desk along with 15 dollars.

"What's the money for?" The brunette asked confused.

"Your change from last week. I figured you didn't have smaller change, but you wanted to avoid me so you paid too much." Seokjin smiled at him.

"Keep it." The boy felt a little embarrassed. "It's a tip."

"I'm sorry I was so nosy last time, it was really none of my business." Seokjin apologized and gave his customer a soft smile.

"Don't worry about it." The boy smiled back, showing off his deep dimples. It had been the first time Seokjin had seen him smile and he had to admit, he wanted to see it more often.

The café was not too crowded today so Seokjin barely had work to do, meaning he was able to secretly watch the boy with the deepest dimples he had ever seen.

The boy was writing something in his notebook and Seokjin was dying of curiousity. Was it his diary? Was he writing a letter or poem? Or was he just doing work for uni? As much as Seokjin wanted to know, he'd never find out.

The blonde decided to turn on his laptop and browse a little. He was his own boss after all, so he could do whatever he wanted. He sat behind the counter, biting into a muffin while typing in his computer password.

After scrolling through tumblr for a while, he heard a clinking sound followed by an angry whisper-shouted "Fuck!".  Seokjin looked up to see the boy had spilled his coffee all over himself, a broken cup next to him on the floor.

The other customers looked at him for a second but turned away quickly, not bothering to help him.

Seokjin grabbed a sponge and a trash bin and went over to him.

"I'm sorry." The boy sounded somewhat frustrated and upset with himself. Seokjin shook his head and smiled, "Don't be, it happens."

He knelt down to collect the broken glass and throw it in the bin; the brunette quickly crouched down and helped him. He grabbed the sponge out of Seokjin's hand and started cleaning up the mess he'd caused.

"Oh, you don't have to-"

"I do." The younger cut him off and kept mopping the floor.

When they were done both got up and the customer followed Seokjin behind the counter, washing out the sponge in the sink.

Looking down at himself, completely soaked in coffee, he quietly cursed, making Seokjin chuckle softly.

"You can clean yourself upstairs if you want." The blonde offered.


"In my apartment. I don't have a restroom down here but you can use my bath room."

"Uhm, it's fine, I-" The boy looked at himself once more, sighing. "Okay."

Seokjin checked if his customers were okay and told them he'd be back in a second. He knew he could trust them not to leave without paying, or stealing anything, since they were regular customers.

"Come." Without thinking, Seokjin grabbed the boys wrist, guiding him upstairs.

"The bath room is over there, I'll give you some clean clothes."

"You really don't have-"

Seokjin interrupted him once more, telling him it was no big deal.

He handed him a light pink sweater and without hesistation his opponent got rid of his hoodie, leaving Seokjin startled for a second. He couldn't help but stare at the boys sunkissed upper body, slim but still muscly.

"The colour suits you." Seokjin smiled, taking the boys hoodie and throwing it into the washing machine.

"I'm Namjoon." Once again Seokjin was surprised by the boy, for some reason he hadn't expected for him open up to the older.

"I'm Seokjin", he smiled. "But you can call me Jin."

They went back downstairs and Seokjin thanked his other customers for taking care of his café while he was absent.

"Do you want a new coffee?"

"No." Namjoon frowned. "I should get going." He pulled a bill out of his pocket and put it onto the counter. "For the cup."

"That's not necessary."

"Yes it is." And with that, Namjoon left the café, leaving Seokjin with his messy thoughts.


my writing is so bad why aM i eVen UplOaDinG tHis

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