Katherine looked so tensed and upset that I felt really bad for her.

"I won't judge you," I said, truthfully. "I know very well how it feels like to be judged. It's easy to form an opinion about others than being in their shoes and go through the exact same of what they have been through."

"Thanks," she smiled in relief, "Eron is lucky to have a daughter like you."

"Infact, I was thinking why don't you join Papa and me for soccer in the neighborhood club this evening?" I proposed.

Katherine just didn't expect me to say that. "No, no. You don't have to do all that. I'm glad we went shopping today. It's more than I could ever ask for."

"You can come to soccer if you want to. Honestly, I won't mind," I shook my head.

Katherine smiled. "That's sweet of you, Eleanor, but I don't want to interrupt daddy-daughter time. You guys have fun."

Right then her phone beeped. "Oh," she muttered reading the message. Then looking back at me, she spoke, "Gotta go. Have to see the embassy officer."

"Alright," I smiled.

After she left, I got a call from Josh. "Guess what?!" I heard his delighted tone from the other end. "I think Stef and Adam have resolved their issues. I saw them at the café just now. They seemed to be doing really good."

"That's awesome!" I beamed. "I'm feeling so relieved right now."


There was a slight pause. I grew fidgety as I spoke, "I know Devon will never apologize to you guys for his behavior yesterday...I'm sorry on his behalf..."

"What are you saying, El?" Josh sounded surprised. "Devon has already apologized to us. Yesterday itself. I thought you knew that!""

"He what?" I spluttered.

""Yeah, was shocking to us too but he did apologize. Genuinely apologized. Actually more to Stef and Adam than to me," said Josh. "Not that I mind. Infact, I feel like God that Devon Parker said sorry to me," he added laughing.

After he rang off, I still found it hard to believe that Devon apologized to them. It was unthinkable given his strange attitude yesterday. I was overwhelmed. I tried to call him but his phone was switched off. Battery must have died out.

Katherine was back an hour later. "Hey, Devon's standing outside," she said smiled broadly at me as she walked in through the front door.

I jumped to my feet and rushed outdoors. I saw him stood next to his car. Our eyes locked and I ran straight into his arms. Devon placed wet kisses on my neck and shoulders. I pressed my body further to his closing my eyes, my hands roamed all over his back creasing his shirt. It was such an intimate hug, so sinful yet so chaste.

After we broke apart, I softly traced the flawless features of his face with my thumb as I spoke, "Why didn't you tell me you apologized to my friends?"

"Not a great achievement to speak about, was it?" he chuckled dryly.


"Look, I cannot undo what happened with you in the past but I can surely stay away from hurting those who had stood by you and fought with everything that gave you tears," the sincerity and guilt in his voice got to me.

I pressed my lips to his, hesitant at first but when I knew he was gonna let me control the kiss, I became bold enough to nibble and suck his luscious bottom lip. I held his face as he parted his lips, letting my tongue enter his erotic mouth. I lapped my tongue around his and gave it a hard squeeze causing him to let out a harsh sexy groan in my mouth. He squeezed my waist as my hands went around his neck to kiss him harder.

"I love it the way you dominate me, baby," Devon whispered huskily, nibbling my earlobe as I left his fiery mouth to catch my breaths.

"I'm very excited for prom.." I breathed as he stroked my nose with his.

"I'm as well, sweetheart," he said hoarsely.

"You mean so much to me, Devon," I said, feeling dazed.

I watched his eyes turn solemn. "You should never make anyone the center of your existence. Because nobody knows what's in store."

"Why is that supposed to mean, Devon?" I said, taken aback. "I didn't like it at all."

Devon released me from his hold as he spoke matter-of-factly, "I'm being practical. One mustn't let their emotions get the better of their intellect."

And then he took leave. I watched him get inside his car and zoom away. He left me puzzled and anxious.   

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