The inside of the club house was decorated with little lights. They had a projector up connected to Tito's playing little videos from old club party's. It was really nice I had to give them that.

I gave my sweater to Rosie who went over to talk with Tito as I scanned the room till my eyes landed on Abel. He was in a white t-shirt that hugged his strong body with his cut on top. In dark jeans that weren't to low or tight there were perfect.

He turned around facing me his eyes held mine. I walked to him wrapping my arms around his waist placing my head in between his neck and shoulder. I inhaled taking in his smell.

He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me to him. Looking up at him he met my gaze with his own. He kissed me deeply making my head spin while my heart did backflips when he let me go.

He chuckled into my hair "You look beautiful as always" I smiled "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" I said jokingly. Letting go of my waist he grabbed a hold of my hand intertwining our fingers together.

We headed to the bar were Tito was happily chatting with Rosie. "Hey Tito" I said smiling "Hey Lexi what would you like?" he asked. "I'll just take a beer for now." I said

"Okay here you go" he said handing me a beer. I turned to Abel "Babe can open it for me?" I asked "Yeah sure." he said as he took his bottle opener from his pocket. Opening it for me he handed my beer back to me giving me a quick kiss.

"So Tito how you choosing the videos and music?" I asked "Oh yesterday i told everybody to bring me CDs of videos and music so I could just play it randomly" he said changing the song.

"Oh cool" I said drinking some of my beer. "Lexi we need to do a shot!" Rosie said to me "Fosho!" I said smiling as I finished my beer.

--------------------------------------------------2 Hours Later--------------------------------------------------

The hot liquid going down my throat burned slighty. "Ha finished first!" I yelled putting down the now empty shot class. "Again" Rosie yelled trying to pour is another shot I just laughed.

I wasn't drunk yet, even after having downed three shots. It was a blast dancing, singing along to the songs as they came on. Everyone was in there party mood enjoying there time.

Matt was by the pool table talking with a girl I didn't recognize. He drank his few beers here and there. While Jace had been in the corner surrounded by girls. It's not like I cared he could do whatever he wanted.

From the corner of my eye though I always caught him looking at me. He wasn't really drinking I think he had like 3 beers and that was it. It's not like he minded the attention he was getting.

Abel was by my side most of the night so far we were against the bar with Rosie and Tito. He had left for a little bit to talk with his boys and Tiggy of course.

Rosie finally had poured her and myself another shot we had the bottle of Sky Vodka. Tito had brought it for us cause he said we needed a night off.

Abel had came back so he was leaning against the bar with a beer in hand. Grabbing two beers Tito handed them to use as part of our game.

We each had to drink a beer then drink the shot right after who ever finished first won. Tito gave us the count down "3-2-1 Go!" he yelled. We each started drinking our beer as fast as we could.

Finishing my beer first I kept the bottle in my left hand and downed the shot. Slamming the shot glass down I yelled "Done!" just as Rosie was going to reach for her shot glass.

All of sudden the screen went black cutting the music grabbing everybody's attention. Then the projector turned back on the image was two people on a bed. Heavy breathing and low hushed whispers.

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