Chapter Twelve

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I just wanted to start this by saying thank you for the 3k reads. I'm really happy that you guys are enjoying this story :) 

Chapter Twelve

I wake up in my bedroom. It feels good to wake up here after sleeping in a dorm room for so long. Shawn walks into my bedroom and looks surprise, "Oh good morning, I didn't expect you to be awake."

I yawn, "I'm still on college timing. It'll be back to waking up at 3 in the afternoon soon."

He chuckles slightly and shakes his head. He sits at the end of my bed, "What're you doing today?"

"Most likely going to hang out with Lucas, Riley, Farkle and Smackle. Why?"

"I wanted to take you and your mother out to eat tonight."

I smile, "I would love to go out to dinner tonight."

He smiles, "Good, I'll see you tonight then."

He gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head. 

After I took a shower, I changed into my light blue jeans with a purple t-shirt and my black jacket over it. I'm wearing my small black boots before straightening my hair. My phone starts to ring and it was a facetime call from Zay which makes me smile. I answer it, "Zay!" 

He smirks, "How's it like being the fifth wheel?"

I roll my eyes, "It's actually starting today. I think they're planning on going ice skating today."

"Damn, I left in a really bad time."

"You really did. I feel like they get more coupley when you're not here. Just to torture me."

He laughs, "You know if it comes to that, you can always take Auggie with you."

I roll my eyes again, "Ha ha, you're so funny."

He was laughing, "I thought it was."

I smile a little, "Why did you call?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I made it. I forgot to text you last night."

"Oh okay, babe. Thanks for letting me know."

He smiles, "Good luck with your date with Auggie."

I flip him off which makes him laugh before we hang up. 

I arrive at Riley's house and enter from her bay window. She wasn't in her room, probably because she was in the living room with everyone. I lock the window behind me and put my bag on Riles' bed. I walk into the living area and Cory was talking to Josh at the table and they stopped talking when I walked in. I smile sweetly at them, "Hello."

Cory smiles, "Hey, Maya. You want something to eat?"

I shake my head, "No thanks. My mom fed me at Topanga's."

He nods and I walk to the couch and I sit in between of Lucas and Farkle. Farkle looks down at me, "Did Zay make it to Texas okay?"

I nod, "Yeah, he actually called me this morning to tell me."

Lucas looks at me, "He didn't call me."

"Huckleberry, get over it. Zay likes me more than he likes you." He gasps dramatically which amused me. I look over to Riley, "Are you guys really planning on doing some romantic shit like ice skating?"

Riley smiles and nods, "Yeah, we haven't gone on a date together in so long."

I look at her with confusion, "Then why am I here?"

Riley looks at me with an obvious look on her face, "Because we're not going to do anything without you, Peaches."

I pout, "I'm really missing Zay right now, he's the one who doesn't make me feel like a fifth wheel."

Riley suggests, "Why don't you ask Noah to come with us?"

Josh looks over at us when he hears Noah's name. I try to ignore it, "I would but he went to Boston for Christmas." 

Josh says, "I can always go with you." I turn my head to look at him and he was already looking at me, "I mean if you want me to." 

He says the last part nervously which makes me smile slightly to myself, "Uh, actually I wouldn't mind. Thank you."

He smiles and nods. Riley smirks at me while saying, "Yay,  guess it's a triple date then."

I try to cover my blush which makes her smile. 

We're walking to the ice skating rink. Josh and I are walking behind the group. It was quiet for a while. He looks down at me, "I know you want to say something."

I look up at him, "How'd you know?"

He smiles slightly, "I know you."

I look at him for a while as we walk, "I just have one question." He nods, "Why did you stop talking to me all of the sudden?"

"I can't answer that but when we're alone, I'll be more than glad to answer it."

I sigh, "You suck."

"Why would you say that?"

"You always do the same shit." I run my fingers through my hair with frustration, "You know what, Josh? I know you so well that I know how you tend to fuck up, and I guess that's something we have in common." I cut him off before he could even say anything, "Why did you even volunteer to take me out today?"

"Because," he stops and starts thinking about it. I shake my head and start walking a little faster. "Maya, wait."

I slow down and he walks next to me, "I know that we need to have a serious conversation at one point for us to fix this but just for today, can we just be civil with each other?"

I sigh and think about it, "Sure, yeah."

He smiles and nods. "Okay." 

We put on our skates. I haven't done this in a while. So when I went in the rink and almost fell, I was thankful for Josh because he caught me before I could actually fall. I look at him, "Thanks."

He smiles all cute, "Of course, beautiful."

I couldn't help but smile. In the beginning, he helped me by holding my hand and making sure I didn't fall. Lucas and Farkle were smirking at us the whole time and whenever I made eye contact with them, they would do embarrassing gestures which made me flip them off and them laugh. 

They walked me to my house just in time for me to go to dinner with Shawn and my mother. He took us out to eat at Cheesecake Factory which really filled me up. We just talked and laughed, we just had a great family time. 

When we got home, I got dressed in my pajamas before grabbing an empty canvas. I start to paint my emotions about Josh and Christmas. We never had a moment alone so I couldn't ask him why he ignored me for months. 

After hours of working on this art piece, I wipe my hair away from my forehead and stare at the canvas. There was a couple cuddling with each other with snow falling around them. I smile slightly at the painting before sighing. I lay back on my bed and stare at my ceiling. Sometimes, I wonder how my life would be if I chose not to go to NYU. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ! Let me know what you thought, I have an idea of what I'm trying to do with the relationship between Josh and Maya so bear with me. 

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Next Chapter : Christmas dinner with the Matthews 

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