Discountinuing (?)

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Hey guys. So as you can see, I'm absolutely shit with updating and posting requests right now. Mainly it's because of school and I'm always busy with art (art is love, art is life), but sometimes I just don't feel up for writing either. Sometimes Ill have super great ideas, but then i loose the.. enthusiasm I guess.
I'm super thankful for 11K+ reads and all these votes, but I cant write right now.

Now, I love being on wp and writing because its one way I can release stress and express certain spurts of creativity, but I'm not feeling it right now.
I might discontinue this book, and just stop writing in this book. Maybe Ill make a new imagines book when summer comes along, or I'm not so busy.
But I might not. I might just have this book open, and Ill try to post an imagine every now and then, but I wont be doing requests. Not for a while.

So the choice is really up to you guys. Should I keep or restart later?
None of you will comment or care, rather, but that's fine. I'm so so sorry I'm not writing right now.
I'm slightly frustrated but also in a really good place rn. But I just cant focus. Hopefully, you guys understand.

I may or may not still write fanfictions, or create one soon. Just keep an eye out. Ill always (or just sometimes) be online, but I wont be updating.
I just read Sebby fanfics on here..

I also have a new instagram (sadly), so follow me if you want to.
Its @ izsketchycc


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