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**Two bit imagine next**


I laid in my bed next to ponyboy. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl from the DX today. Gosh she was a doll. Perfect [Y/HC] hair... Dazzling [Y/EC] eyes.... Beautiful. I wanted to ask her out on a date but i didn't know how to approach her. Maybe pony knew. He had a girlfriend. I flipped over and propped my head up on my hand.

"Pony?" i asked gently shaking him.

"Hmmm.." he mumbled.

"Can i ask ya somethin? Bout that girl i saw at the DX?" i asked.

He sat up a bit. "Ya." he said.

"So uh- how did you approach your girlfriend? I dunno how ta talk ta her." i asked shyly. A smile grew on his face.

"Sodapop curtis coming ta me for advice?" he teased.

"Oh just shut your trap and answer the question." i sighed smiling too.

"Well i just told her how i feel straight-up. Then if she felt the same way ,she did, i asked her on a date." pony stated.

"But what if she doesn't?" i asked.

"You're sodapop curtis! She's gotta feel the same way." pony said.

"Alright. I'll ask her tomorrow. She's usually there." i said tiredly and turned over to fall alseep.


You got up and looked at the clock. 8:00 am. It was Saturday and you were meeting up with some friends for the day. You brushed your teeth and hair. You pinned it back into a ponytail and pulled on your denim blue jeans and a white tanktop with a flannel on over it. You slid on your black and white convers and cuffed the bottom your jeans slightly. Then you grabbed your phone, sliding it in your pocket and walked downstairs.

"Mornin!" you called to your parents in the kitchen.

"You gonna eat somethin?" your mom asked as you walked to the door.

You shool your head. "We're gonna get something to eat later." you said and walked outside.

**Time Skip**

You arrived at the DX but didn't see your friends yet, so you walked inside to grab a snack. You pushed through the doors and saw sodapop. The cute greaser everyone liked. He had you hooked too. And usually you didn't fall for the guys everyone else did. He smiled at you from behind the cash register and you smiled back. You grabbed a coke and a bag of chips and walked over to the heart attack that awaited you. He smiled and rung you up.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." you said back handing him the amount owed.

"I never got your name." he said raising an eyebrow.

"[Y/N]." you said and smiled as he handed your things back.

"Sodapop. I was wonderin if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me?" he asked.

Sodapop just asked me out? Me? You thought. You nodded.

"Sure. I'll be back around 6." you said leaned over the counter on your tiptoes to peck his cheek before leaving.

**Quick idear**

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