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What if: You tripped in public with the gang

You walked out of the movie house with the gang and tripped on a broken slab of concrete. You fell but caught yourself with your hands. You felt your hands throb and saw they were scratched slightly. Johnny and pony asked if you were okay while the rest of the gang laughed. You glared at them.

"So funny..." you hissed.

"It is!" two bit cracked and they laughed even more.

Two bit walked in front of you and you quickly stuck out your foot. He stepped over it. "Haha miss-" he ran face first into a pole and collasped on the ground. Everyone laughed even harder.

"So funny.." he said rubbing his for head.

"It is!" you mocked him and stuck your tounge out.

Haha. Karma- what goes around comes around!¡

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