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What if: Sad song reactions from the gang

You were blasting your music on your phone when your favorite sad song came on. You were at the Curtis house and everyone was there. You let the sad song play, even turned it up louder. Steve turned his head.

"Will ya turn that off?" he asked.

"Why? is it to sad for ya?" you asked making a sad face.

"No..." he said.

You turned and saw pony staring into space on the couch. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Johnny sat next to him tearing up too.

"Can ya change-" soda stopped and bawled. "-it's so sad!" he cried.

Dally stomped over, picked up your phone and threw it against the wall, breaking the back and the battery falling out. There for, stopping the song. Pony and soda wiped their eyes and johnny tried to look tuff.

"That bad huh? And dally you better pray that isn't completely broken or your ass is buying me a new one." you said stomping over to your phone.


Personally, this is one of my favorites! Soda's reaction was so cute! >_< c:

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