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What if: Dally peed himself in public

You and the gang were walking in the mall. It was pretty late and barely anyone was here. So you decided to prank with pony and two bit.

Two bit wanted to scare dally even though he knew it was sure to get him killed. You agreed to work and snuck off with them. You hid behind the entrance of a store the rest of the gang was walking into. Dally was the first one to walk in. You and two jumped out and scared the living shit out of dally. To the point where he screamed like a little girl. You thought it wasn't possible with his deep voice... But it was. He jumped about 3 feet in the air and curled his arms up to his chest. When he came back down he stood still for a second. Then his face went slack. The rest of the gang (steve, johnny, soda, darry) laughed and pointed at his back. You walked behind him and saw he peed himself. Two bit fell on the floor and laughed his head off. Dally clenched his hands and gritted his teeth.

"You're so dead Keith!" he seethed.

You took a step back and tried to hold in your laugh but it slipped out. Pony doubled over next to you laughing too. You stood for a moment as dally tried to hide his wet spot.

"Dammit!" he said exasperated.

You gathered yourself and asked soda for some money. He pulled some out and handed it to you. Thank God you were in a men's wear store. You handed the money to dally.

"Let's go buy you some new pants." you teased still laughing.

"Very funny.." he said.


Im dead :D

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