"Hey, are you sure you want to come with me? Because I'd understand if you just wanted to wait down here until I'm done. It shouldn't take too long." I think about it for a moment. I am a bit nervous to see Harry's grandmother to be honest. I mean, he's been talking so highly of her and the fact that she may not like me kind of worries me a bit. Nevertheless, I am quite curious to meet her since I've never really every gotten to know my grandparents so maybe in some way this could make up for part of it. When the elevator dings, indicating that the doors are soon to open, I make my decision.

"I'm sure. Besides, maybe we'll run into Harper Lee on the way!" I hope, which causes him to let out a throaty chuckle.

"Doubtful, since she's on a completely different floor, but we might just be able to make a stop afterwards." He smiles over to me as the elevator lifts us up several floors before coming to a halt and dinging once again. Wow, Harry's grandmother and Harper Lee in one day, I guess it wasn't so bad that Allie and El didn't come home, after all.

As we walk down the wide brightly lit corridor filled with many different apartment doors, my hands being to clam up. I can't help but be a bit nervous to meet the lady, though I am sure she is a wonderful and nice women, I can't help but think the worst. I trail slightly behind Harry before he stops in front of a Christmas green coloured door with the gold numbers '727' hammered into it. It instantly reminds me of the apartment doors in the television show Friends, which eases my mind a bit. Harry takes a small step forward before raising his fist to knock on the door slowly. Soon, I hear shuffling on the other end and the sound of locks being turned. Here goes nothing.

Once the door is opened, I am surprised to see that the women on the other side bears no resemblance, whatsoever to Harry. She's quite young as well; in her fifties I would guess. Her kinky short black hair is intricately braided to her scalp and tied to the back in a tight bun. Her face seems a bit tired and overworked but it does capture a certain beauty to it. Especially with her perfect ebony silk skin, it does seem like she would have been quite the catch in her younger years. Her clothes are simple with a white skirt, beige canvas shoes and a light blue cardigan, but give away the impression that she is a nurse or a cleaning lady of some kind. It would make sense that Harry's grandmother would have a maid or an assistant with her, Harry does.

"Harry! We've been expecting you! Come in, come in. Ms. Gina has been wondering when you would arrive. Oh, and you brought a friend as well! Hello dear! I'm Rhonda, Ms. Gina's nurse." The sweet lady exclaims as she greets me with a warm smile before shutting the door behind us.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Bree." I greet her with a hand shake in which she takes kindly in both of her hands. She directs us out from the small foyer at the entrance of the surprisingly large apartment, and into the living room where we take a seat on one of the red cushion couches. The space is very cozy with small trinkets, books and furniture that you would expect to find in a grandmother's house. The living room is quite big and spacious with a fireplace on the wall with the windows, a hallway on the far right side which I assume leads to the bedrooms, and a small separator leading the small dining room and kitchen. Though it is considerably smaller than Harry's home, it is much bigger than a normal sized apartment and definitely bigger than it appeared to be from the other side of the door.

"You two sit tight, I'll go fetch Ms. Gina for you." Rhonda smiles once again, causing my heart to warm before she hurries off down the the hallway to the right, leaving Harry and I alone in silence.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks and I nod slowly.

"Are you sure? You look a bit nervous." He looks down at my twisted fiddling hands and smiles. I unclench them immediately and rest them flat on my lap, only to replace them with the slight taping of my foot on the patterned throw rug.

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