Aston arriving home fifteen minutes earlier than planned he walked straight past Charlie in the lounge to talk to me in the kitchen.

"Hiya," I smiled.

"Hey, are you alright?" he replied.

"Yeah fine, you?"

"Not bad, how did it go?"

"Not very well, I couldn't get much of out him."

"Oh," he mumbled.

"I'm having a top up," Charlie said appearing behind us quietly to fill his glass. "Do you want anymore?"

"Not just yet," I replied.

"Aston?" he asked.

I nodded to him hoping he would accept.

"Go on then," Aston said.

The bottle very nearly empty Charlie returned to his laptop leaving us to finish our conversation.

"He's on his second and dinner hasn't even been served yet," I frowned.

"I didn't realise he was such a big drinker."

"There's a lot of things I didn't realise about him."

"Hmm. I'll talk to you properly later."

I nodded smiling.

Dinner now ready I served up sausage casserole for three and sat down at the table beside Aston and opposite Charlie, the most awkward time of the day.

"Are you busy at work?" I asked Aston.

"Yeah, there's some overtime up for grabs this week. I'm gonna take that to make up some hours," he replied.

"You can't afford to lose anymore considering all the sickies you pulled last week," Charlie muttered.

"That's why he's doing overtime," I added.

"Is there not any light work you can do?" Aston asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm getting sick pay, whats the point?" Charlie replied.

"It's not as good as a salary, besides you must be bored."

"I've got people and things to catch up with."


"Have you been to see your family yet?" I asked.

"Not yet, but I've been in touch," he said.


Every evening seems to be the same just lately, before Dubai it would be who is left out as the boys talk football, but now I'm trying to make a conversation about anything I can. It's a horrible atmosphere.

"I'm going for a bath," Charlie said getting up from the table and leaving the empty plates behind him.

"Okay, we'll clear up," I said.

Ignoring my comment he locked himself in the bathroom across the room.

"Dickhead," Aston muttered.

"This is going to be harder than you thought, ever since that night his mood has changed."

"He's sulking because you haven't fallen at his feet like you thought he would."

"Either way."

"It will be fine, we will just have to keep questioning him until he breaks."

Sometimes I'm sure Aston thinks this is a 007 mission, minus the violence. Not that he would condemn it.

After putting all the plates away in the dishwasher and clearing the work surfaces we sat down on the couch together hoping to find something decent for once.

"Did you mention anything about Jamie saying he's sacked?" Aston asked.

"No, I didn't think it would go down too well," I said with the remote in my hand.

"How did he react?"

"He just said its nothing to worry about, I thought he would get angry if I kept questioning. It's not my business anymore."

"He didn't even explain?"

"It's complicated apparently," I shrugged.

"Right," he sighed.

"Sorry, I was a bit wary."

"No, its fine babe. It's not your fault."

"I'm trying to help but you know what they say, don't kid a kidder."

"Hm, well whatever it takes."

I smiled weakly.

"I meant what I said you know, I'm doing this for you. I still want us to move out together," he said.



"Do you think it would work?"

"Well we live together now."

"Hm, it's weird enough to think I live with my exes boyfriend and his exes best mate never mind tell people."

"What about just your exes best mate then?"

"My friend?"

He shrugged.

"If only it was that straight forward."

"It can be, once this is all sorted out and Charlie is out of the picture."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean I really like you babe."

"Aston," I blushed.

"No, I really do. I think your amazing."

"I'm far from amazing," I frowned.

"But you're everything I want in a girl."

"What happened to no complications? No feelings?"

"I thought you had already broke that rule."

I giggled as he smirked in front of me.

"It didn't really go to plan did it?"

"It would have boring if it had."

"I suppose it would," I smiled.

"Come here," he whispered.

I hesitated but shuffled closer towards his lap, one of his hands holding my waist and the other at the back of my neck his lips were soon attached to mine. Gentle at first I then kissed him back expressing all the tension we've had this last week or so, I can't deny that I've missed the intimacy with Aston. We parted our mouths and began to caress each others tongues slowly getting lost in the moment. I ran my fingers through his hair moaning quietly as I felt the passion.

"I've missed you," he whispered.

I grinned against his lips nodding in agreement.

Kissing him again something suddenly caught my eye behind him. I parted and noticed the bathroom door handle rattle.

"Charlie's coming," I whispered pulling back and arranging myself just as before.

"Shit," Aston murmured moving away.

"Stupid thing," Charlie moaned swinging the door open. "It keeps getting stuck, has anyone looked at it?"

"No, I didn't realise. I use the en suite," I replied.

The luck of that handle being broken!


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