Chp. 5 "Undeniable Feelings"

Start bij het begin

She pushed open the barn door with my help and I smelt the unpleasant smell of manure and grain. I knew there had to be animals in here because of that smell.

She led me to a stall that held a light brown horse that almost startled me when its head abruptly stuck out as Avery’s hand found its nose. She smiled, “This is Skye, she’s my baby, and then this one’s Levi. They’re brother and sister.”

They both resembled one another significantly except Skye had a white strip down her face, while Levi didn’t. I had to admit, they were magnificent looking horses.

I let my hand rest on Skye’s snout next to Avery’s hand and I looked at her, “They’re beautiful.”

It was weird, because I was actually directing the comment towards Avery rather than the horses but… coming out and saying that would be weird. She blushed a little, making me think she got the compliment as she sighed, “This project isn’t gonna do itself.”

I returned the smile, “Well then let’s get to it.”

Soon we were sitting up in her room building this stupid project that seemed to be easier than it actually was. We wanted to make it a little bit more creative than the usual so she had a cut out box that we would decorate it with the history of electricity. It was all Avery’s idea and I thought it was pure genius.

We were working on the board as of now, filling it up with information, pictures, and diagrams. I smoothed a picture over the white board with some glue and decided I wanted to fill this silence. I wanted to get to know Avery better, and the only way was to actually speak to her.

But before I could speak she beat me to it, “So remember when you asked me if I had dated girls?”

I smiled, remembering the heart hammering conversation we had about being a lesbian and what not. I nodded, “Yea?”

“Have you dated girls?”

“Well yea, I mean… yes. I’ve only had one semi-serious girlfriend though; all the other girls seemed to be confused or uncommitted. I’m the kind of person that likes committed relationships but it doesn’t seem like many people like that anymore.”

I watched Avery from the corner of my eye, seeing her nod in agreement to what I had said. She responded, “I know what you mean.”

I felt like I was growing closer to this girl every second I spent with her and it was absolutely amazing. I barely knew her but we were talking about things that usually come up after months of being friends.

But I didn’t want to just be her friend; I wanted to be more than that.

I hadn’t realized how much time had passed since I had gotten here but it had been awhile. I set the board down and leaned back against her white wall, “I think we’ve done enough for today.”

She looked up at me and smirked, leaning back against the frame of her bed, “Getting sick of me already?”

The Catalyst (GirlXGirl)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu