Chapter 14: Change of heart

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"Tyler, wake up." I repeated, he still didn't move."A.J how hard did you hit him?" I turned to her

"Not that hard." she shot back combing her hair trying to get the ash out .

I shook my head at her, and looked back at Tyler.

Pinch him. something told me. I moved my hand under his shirt

"What are you doing?"Aqua whispered "This is no time to feel him up."

"Relax, I'm not not feeling him up."

"Liar." A.J commented walking out.

"Shut -up, besides I don't even like him all that much." We waited for A.J's response, nothing happen "A.J?"

She busted out in laughter up the stairs.

"Fuego you are funny!"

"Anyways don't worry about me," I felt a scar still kinda sensitive, so I pinched it. His eyes popped opened, and he grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away and he fell on top of me "because Tyler's up." I exhaled

"Sorry." he smiled releasing me

"Don't worry about it." I laughed. He removed a strand of hair from my face, and we sorta got lost in each others eyes.

"Ahem!" Aqua interrupted

Tyler automatically got up, then pulled me to my feet.

"We should get going anyways." he said

I nodded in agreement and grabbed my jacket off the couch, then followed Tyler out to his truck.

"So where we going" I asked unable to stop from grinning

"Your choice."

We ended up going to see a movie called "Hate to Love You". A romantic/ comedy about two life long friends that stop talking to each other. Then the girl sends a wedding invite to the guy, then they end up sleeping together the night before the wedding.

"I thought it was pretty good." I said climbing in the truck.

Tyler shrugged.

"It was okay, I mean it's too predictable."

"Really? Don't you mean chick flick?"

"No, just look at the plot they stop talking for like what eleven years, then the girl gets married."


"They both get drunk and sleep together, and then realized they were meant to be."

"It could happen."

"I'm not saying it couldn't."

"Then what are you saying?" I asked

He smiled at me, and pulled out of the parking lot.

"All I'm saying is, it's obviously predictable. You know not like you, you're nothing I thought you would be."

"What did you think about me?" I blushed

"Rather not say."

"Oh c'mon, I'll tell you what I thought about you. I thought you were arrogant, vain, up winded of others, a dumb-ass jock that didn't know how to spell his own name."

"Ouch." he said with a smile

" I'm not done, I thought you banged every cheerleader in every school in the district, and over use the word 'dude'."

"Damn, so you thought about me a lot?"

"Get over yourself, there have been plenty of rumors going around about you over the years." I rolled my eyes "Now what did you think about me?"

Book I of The Power Within Series: The Power WithinWhere stories live. Discover now