Chapter 10: Chaos

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As soon as we were back home, the phone rang. I dashed over to pick it up, no doubt it was for me, and no bigger doubt it was 'Chelle.

"Hey 'Chelle what happen to your cell?" I asked

"I got caught texting in class and the teacher took it. Wanna go catch a movie?" she explained

"Aren't you grounded?"

"Yeah what's your point?"

"Nevermind. I'll see you in a bit." I laughed hanging up the phone "Aqua I'm leaving, I'll see you guys later!"

I grabbed my jacket, and keys, I have my own car I just don't drive it a lot. Now that I think about it maybe I should, considering how I want to leave this place any chance I can.

"Where are you going?"Aqua asked

"Out." was all I said

"You can't go. Something is after us Fuego, you have to stay here."

"No I don't, I'm just going to the movies, I'll be there and back in three hours at the least. Besides Michelle is gonna be there, so later." I turned for the door

"I don't trust Michelle." she said coldly "I mean she could be a demon for all we know."

I let out a shaky breath, and thought she can't be serious. A.J and Krys came in the hall where Aqua and I stood, knowing soon another fight would break out.

"Are you trying to make my life a living hell? Michelle isn't a demon." I turned back to her

"Just listen to me for a second, no suspected Dawn was an evil.." she tried to find a word

"...Son of bitch, I did. I've had her peg as evil since kindergarden."

"Aqua just let her go to the movies." A.J said

"I agree with A.J, good night." I waved. Aqua grabbed my arm.

"Fuego I know how you feel. You don't wanna believe anything out of the ordinary right now, and if we just sit down and talk--"

"UGH!! Stop doing that, stop trying to be mom!" I yelled at her, and snatched my arm back."You aren't her, and you never will be!" When I reached for the door something shocked it causing it to brust into pieces.

We looked at Aqua.

"How did you do that?" Krystal asked

She ignored her, instead she held up her hand, a huge ball of electricy in it, and hurled it at me. I went flying out the house, and landed back over in the trees, when I looked back up Aqua was floating down to me.

"Now will you listening to me?" she asked, in a somewhat treating tone

"Just leave me alone!" I ordered her

I felt a violent pulse travel through me sending flames out at Aqua. She blocked it of course with a water shield, before it even touched her. I started getting mad and turned invisible, and flew up in the air.

"Fuego!" she shouted turning in circles, defences up.

"Do you know what it's like living with a sister like you?!" I moved a boulder towards her "Always having to live up to the expectation of others," I moved another three towards her, closing in on her " friends, teachers, parents! As much as I tried to win them over with my art, they turn right back to you. Ms.Perfect, Ms.High school spirit!" I finally came down and turn visible "And then they vanished into thin air, leaving you in charge."

"So are you saying you're jealous of me?"she said

"Not even! I'm fine with it, but you know what I'm not okay with....You trying to replace mom! Evening if you did, it's a cheap imitation." I growled

Aqua bared her teeth at me. Then the calm air sriwled violently around us, striking up a tornado. It rose up to about 100 to 150 feet above me, and swooped me up in it's pull.

"Imitate this!" Aqua screamed at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly a high-pitched sound wave struck our ears. We fell to the ground, head pounding.

"Can you two stop fighting for two minutes, please?!" Krystal shouted

"She started it!"Aqua pointed her finger at me

"No you started it when you tried to take mom's place!"

"Guys, you're going a little far." Krys warned

"Why do you care so much?" Aqua asked "You said so yourself you could never get them to listen to a word you said. And one of us has to be mom, cause you know what Fuego, the year is up! Okay? No bodies, no evidence, no nothing! They're gone for good, so let it go!"

That was the the trigger, Aqua hit below the belt this time. My eyes began to sting with tears, and soon they fell over.

Fly away that inner voice told me in a gentle way.

This time I listened.

Book I of The Power Within Series: The Power WithinWhere stories live. Discover now