Chapter 5: Family Meetings

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Krystal sat next to her bed on the floor. Knees up to her chest, her face hidden between her arms. I laid across her bed upside down, my head next to hers.

"You okay Krys?" I asked

"Yeah," she sniffled " what's wrong with us? Why is all this stuff happening to us? Things like...what I did- doesn't happen to everybody."

"No one's perfect."

"I mean pipes exploding around Aqua, you putting up shields, A.J getting stronger by the minute, these monsters keep breaking in."

"Nothing's wrong with us, we're just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"That's not true and you know it."

She laid on the floor, I poked her.

"Get up Kryssy."

"No." she protested

I sighed, got to my feet and walked over to where she was laying.

"I'm not telling you this again, get up Krys."

"I refuse to get up."

"Okay you brought this on yourself." I picked up Krystal's ankles and dragged her out the room. She hooked herself onto her door frame, keeping me from pulling her forward

"Let me go!" she screamed

I tickled the bottom of her foot and she automatically let go of the door frame, I kept pulling her until we got to the top of the stairs.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." I challenged

"What are you doing?" Aqua asked

"Nothing, trying to get Krystal to came downstairs."

"Fuego let her go, and come in the living room."

I sighed


I dropped Krystal's feet and slid down the railing to the bottom of the staircase. Mom would hate whenever I did that she said it was unlady like. I walked into the living room and sat in the open space in the middle of the floor.

"Come on,"A.J complained sitting on the with her legs crossed "I'm starting cramp up."

The rest of copied A.J and sat on the floor.

"Okay,"Aqua said holding a baseball bat "the family meeting has begun."

"Yay." I said sarcastically

She gave me a quick glance. Family meetings shouldn't exist.

"Anyway, before anyone ask, the issues of what has happen the last few days are not open for discussions."

"Wait what?" I asked

She tapped me on the head with the bat, I flinched and looked at her.

"No one can talk without the bat in hand." she explained "Moving on to other things."

"No no no, we're not moving on we need to talk about the situation at hand." I blurted out, Aqua hit me on the head again. Krystal took the bat from Aqua.

"Aqua she's right we need to talk about these...powers we've developed."

"Krystal-" she began to protest

"We have to know." Krystal looked at Aqua with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen

"You're right." she nodded

"Are you kidding me! Does anyone ever listen to me around here?" I yelled. Krystal gave the bat back to Aqua. And as soon as she got it back she tried to hit me with it. I snatched the bat away from her bending the plastic. "Hit me with the bat one ...more...time." I growled " And I promise, I'll shove this bat so far down your throat, it will beat up against your rib cage."

Book I of The Power Within Series: The Power WithinWhere stories live. Discover now