Chapter 9: Teammates

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"You!" Queen Jaiic growled at us "How can you be so stupid?"

"Exactly what I was thinking, everything was going perfectly fine, but then Aqua over here had to step in and distract me."

"Excuse me?" Aqua shot back "I practically saved your sorry butt!"

"Yeah right, I was doing just fine , then you came along and..."

"Fuego, I'm not talking about her, I'm talking about you." Queen Jaiic pointed out

"Me? What did I do?!"

She held the bridge of her nose.

"Aquanetta, can you please give us a moment dear? The others are waiting in the training room."

"Yes ma'am." Aqua bowed out

I watched with narrowed eyes as Aqua got to leave. Then I followed Queen Jaiic out to the courtyard.

It over flowed with exotic flowers, with the most unusual colors, baby blue, lavender, peach, teal, and even a few a pale brown, and orange.

"Wow." I whispered

"I hate to say it Fuego dear, but I'm disappointed in you." She breathed " You have so much potential, power, and knowledge traveling through your veins at this very moment. And yet you take it for granted."

"What did I even do?"

"Your sister tried to help you, and instead of--"

I shook my head at her.

"I don't need her help. She just wants to feel like a hero, so that way I'll owe her something in return."

She looked at me for a while.

"Can I tell you a story?" she didn't wait for my reply "There were two sisters constantly at war with each other, even though one of them tried to make amends the other wouldn't have it. Clammed it was a trap. So one day, when they were out fighting, the younger sister got wounded, but still tried to fight her battle." she looked down at my face, then kept going "When her sister saw how- broken she was, she rushed over to help."

"But the younger wouldn't have it." I stated

"Exactly. So when she made her attack she couldn't see straight, she got the demon alright, but the strike went through her sister first. The news devastated her, to think that her sister left this Earth without telling her how she was sorry, and loved her."

What was she trying to say, that I was gonna kill Aqua one day? That I was going to be so wrapped up in my own pride that I would put it before family? She led me back to the training room.

"I would never hurt Aqua." I told her, but she was gone.

"Krystal watch it!" A.J yelled from inside. I opened the door and saw Krystal up on the 50 ft ceiling, and A.J trying to get her down. The next thing I know Krys is swooping down towards me."Duck!" A.J warned

I dipped down as Krys flew over me.

"Sorry!" She screamed flying down the hall, A.J running after her.

I shook my head and walked in the room, and was somewhat upset that Aqua was in there sitting on the floor.

"Hey." she said

"Hey." I waved

"So? You gonna say sorry?"

"For what?"

She stood up, and gave me a disbelieving look.

"I tried to help you, and you just yelled at me."

"That's cause I didn't need your help. Aqua I've never needed your help."

"Oh, please you've always needed me around, to help you get out of trouble."

"Um, no you just jump in whenever you feel like it. And then you change anything you don't like. Like my fifth-grade talent show I was singing 'Girls just wanna fun'."

"Yeah, your routine was dull so what your point?"

"My point is you ruined it. The routine was fine the way I had it, but what did Aqua do? She had to make it the way she wanted it."

"I made it better."

"You got me disqualified, how the hell does that make it better!"

"Don't yell at me!"

"Well unfortunately I can't strangle your neck, at the moment!"

Aqua put me in a head lock, and tackled me to the floor. I bit her hand, got behind her and put her in a full Nelson.

"Face it Aqua, you can't help it when you can't control everything. Because you're a priss!"

Krystal screamed again, darting through the room again, a gust of wind shortly after, followed by A.J flying in after her, with no more control than Krys.

"Stop!" Queen Jaiic commanded us. A.J and Krystal froze in mid-air, and then slowly placed their feet on the tile.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"What's wrong, she ask. You four are what's wrong! All this fighting and lack of control in your powers, and hand-coordination!"

"Give us a break, we haven't had a life full of training like you wished we did. But we don't." A.J told her

"You all have got to stop with the fighting, and the arguing, if you want to destroy the upcoming evil." Queen Jaiic told us

"And we will, right girls?" Aqua said

A.J and Krystal nodded, then Krys froze.

"I feel her coming, the evil.....Dawn?"

"Dawn?" Aqua asked, eyes wide "It can't be her, I've known her for the longest. There's no way it could be her."

"That doesn't matter." I told her

"Oh who asked you. You just don't like her for your own personal reasons."

"See, that right there has to stop." Queen Jaiic growled

"She's absolutely right,"A.J agreed "we need to stop being sisters and start working together as a team."

Queen Jaiic smiled at that comment.

"Which is at the very top of my to-do list." Aqua assured with a smile

"I should hope so." Queen Jaiic opened a portal leading to our living room "Now go, cause you are all giving me a headache."

"Mean."Krystal muttered

Book I of The Power Within Series: The Power WithinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon