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A/N: So here's a brand new one-shot! It's a little rusty, but cut me some slack haha. Its self-harm related so if you're not into those fanfics, just don't read this. I go in depth with my writing. DONT FORGET! if you want to request one-shots, i have a chapter written strictly for thats called "one-shot ideas"

I wasn't one for self hatred. Everyone knew me as the optimistic Judy Hopps; with dreams & desires. But honestly i have insecurities & depression. No one, not even Nick knows..
Nick is my bestfriend. He was the one there for me when my sibling passed a way, and when my boyfriend left me. He was there for me; i admired him. He probably looks up to me but in all odds i look up to him.
My parents; well, they aren't the happiest in the world. They don't even support what i do. After my sibling died, all they did was yell at me; to take responsibility, quit my job, do this, do that. It's pressuring. I don't listen to them because i love my job, but getting support from them would suffice for just one second.
I looked in the mirror; dissatisfied. I took my lipstick and drew an ideal face i'd always wanted. I smiled as i finished the lips area. "Beautiful." I said in satisfaction. A tear ran down my cheek as i took my paw and rubbed it against the mirror, slathering the lipstick all over the mirror. My phone vibrated so i went to check; it was Nick. I hadn't texted or called in a while & i left work without saying a word to him.
I think this is it for me.
I opened my medicine cabinet & found a blade. I shivered from crying so much. I grabbed the blade and collapsed myself on the floor; intentionally. "Well" i faked a smiled while i stared at the blade.
7 missed calls from Nick. Each 3 minutes apart. My phone was next to me just in case.
I pressed the cold blade against my fur, cutting slowly. I gasped in pain; but deep down i was satisfied. I'd never had the courage to do this & now that i am, i feel like i'm actually doing something, people would be proud of. If i'm gone, i'm just one less worry for my friends & family. I continued cutting, one by one; slowly. The scene was intense, at that point my floor was smeared with blood. I stopped as i heard a shout. "Judy! I know you're in there! OPEN UP!" a familiar voice i'd known. It was Nick. "N-nick" i silently shouted. I knew he couldn't hear me; but i didn't want him to. "Judy.." He managed to open the door. How? Because i gave him a spare key. Damnit.. Seriously Judy? He called my name. My house wasn't big, but it was quite large enough for people to look for me. He shouted my name while her walked into my bedroom. I was frightened; it was like a scene from a horror movie. He was getting closer. "Judy-" he stared at me as his eyes widened "JUDY?!" he got on his knees and looked at my arm "Judy! How could you be so damn DUMB!" He looked for a towel; and spotted one sitting on the bath tub pole rod (thing). He took it and wrapped it around my arm. "Judy" he let out a sigh. All i could do i cry. I cried in his arms "Judy, you can't leave me, ever" He rubbed my waist where he wrapped his arms around. I couldn't respond. I was in shock & i had realized what i had done. "N-" "Sh.. Dont talk, just let's, let me show you how much you mean to me" he backed away, and leaned in for a kiss. A last tear fell down my cheek, leading onto his cheek. He backed away "don't ever think about doing this shit again, Judy You mean everything to ME. I dont care about anyone else. Just, me.." He hugged me again. I was silent. I shut my eyes and let his comfort take away.

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