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Judy rushed into Nick's apartment and rung his doorbell constantly. "Who is it???" Nick asked before he reached the peep hole. There stood a small, wettish, bunny with her head down. She wasn't dirty, well groomed in fact. Just wet.
Nick let his best friend in. "Judy? What happened? Look at you" Nick held Judy's arms with each of his paws. "I- w- .. We broke up" Judy sobbed, pulling Nick into a hug. He then remembered about the guy Judy had been going out with on a couple of dates. Nick's confusion turned into frustration. He had been telling Judy since the beginning to beware of those guys, and how they'd hurt her feelings. But sometimes, Judy rebelled because she's stubborn. But by the tell of her looks, this is probably the last time she'll date out of her spieces.
The thought of that made Nick sad, but he didn't want to assume.
"Judy, calm down. Come sit." Nick quickly shoved all the garbage he'd kept on his couch, on the floor. He then continued to shove the mess underneath his couch, but Judy didn't notice.
"Blake.. He broke up with me" She sniffled as she made eye contact with Nick. "Well i tol- Why.." Nick wiped Judy's tears and held her paws as Judy looked down. "Well, He said.. He didn't have a thing for bunny's since they're so weak and useless" Judy cried out. Nick was furious at that point, but if Judy wasn't in this situation, he would've told him to leave it alone; for it would cause you trouble.
So that's what Nick did, he left it alone. But he was mad at Judy. Not mad like I TOLD YOU SO; more like, why didn't you listen to me.
Nick got up and walked towards his window and stared at it. "Judy- I.. Why didn't you listen.." Nick released his paws from a clutch. "Nick, this isn't my fault.." Judy wearingly said as she shed more tears, she then got up and stood behind Nick. "Don't be mad at me.. Please! I came here for some support, you're the only one i truly trust and care about.. So stop being mad and hug me" Judy looked at Nick as Nick pulled her into a hug. "He wasn't worth it, that ol' piece of trash. I'd show him what he did wrong, but i wont.. For you." Nick backed up, still holding and making eye contact with Judy. "Hey, look at me" Nick made some serious eye contact with Judy. "You promise me you wont get mad over that coward. He doesn't know amazingness when it's right in front of him. Know that" He wiped Judy's tear as she smiled. "Okay.." Judy held Nick's face as they made eye contact.
But it never went beyond that.

JuNick one-shots (Zootopia)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum