I'm Drunk

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"Ooops" Judy slurred as she tripped over her own feet. She was walking home; drunk. It was 2 in the morning in Zootopia, and Judy had just gotten a raise. She offered Nick to come along but he knew he had to be the sober one. Although Judy barely drunk; well. That's it. Non-alcoholics tend to drink hard one special occasions.
Judy took out her phone and called Nick. "Hello?" Nick answered as Judy laughed "Nick, im drunk!" "Uh, excuse me?" Nick asked, getting up "where are you now?" Nick asked as he grabbed his coat "Ion' know, Nick. I'm like on a sidewalk. It looks like im near my house" Judy looked around. A couple walked passed Judy; and she waved ecstatically, causing the couple to be weirded out. "No? Ok" Judy tried to walk and she fell.
Nick hung up and ran out his apartment. He walked outside and looked around. Now was a good time since Nick could see really well at night.
Then, he spotted the petite bunny sitting on the sidewalk. "Judy!" he yelled out as Judy's head shot towards his direction. She waved happily as she got up. "Nick! Hi!!" she shouted "Judy, stay right there; i'm coming to get you" Nick walked towards Judy; she followed his directions and stood stiffly in the sidewalk.
Nick got to Judy and lifted her up "Let's take you home" Nick smiled as Judy laughed "Okay!" Judy shouted, laying her head on his chest.
Nick reached her apartment and took the elevator up. He caught the elevator as it was slowly closing, and slid in. Avoiding slick and dirty looks, he focused on getting Judy home safely. That was his priority.
He then took out the key he had for Judy's apartment that she had gave to him last month. He knew he probably wouldn't use it because Judy was always with him; but it came in handy today which was good. He opened the door to clothes scattered everywhere. It'd looked like Judy was indecisive on what to wear; just to look like her regular self.
Nick placed Judy on her bed calmly. He took her heals off and made her as comfortable as possible without any clothing being removed. Although Nick and Judy had their intimate moments, Nick knew never to cross the border without Judy's permission. It'd ruin their friendship and growing relationship. Plus, Judy would hate him.
He tucked her in and sat there, watching her close her eyes slowly. She was still awake though. "Thank ya Nick. I don't know what i'd do without you" Judy placed her paw on his arm, rubbing it up and down. She turned around facing the wall "But i'm going night night now" Judy chuckled. Nick laughed at her cuteness but he missed the regular Judy. It was only temporary though, which he was thankful for.

After the commotion, Nick decided he'd crash in Judy's couch for the hell of it. Plus, he wanted to see Judy have a hangover.

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