A Rearranged Date

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Juvia's POV

I had my earbuds in, bobbing my head along to the rhythm of the pretty song. I applied a light coat of blush and mascara to my face and eyelashes, then stood up from my makeup mirror and walked over to my closet. I flipped through my clothes relentlessly, my eyes darted to each dress as I flipped through them hastily.

I-I don't understand that idiot sometimes. He makes me feel so-so unwanted, but at the same time he can make me feel needed. How is that? How can I be so mesmerized by a single person. I'm tellin' ya' , it makes no sense. If you were to ask me why I chose Lyon over Gray, I couldn't tell you—oh crap I wasn't paying attention to the clothes! Jeez, now I have to flip through them backwards.

I began to flip through them in reverse when I found it, that blue silky dress that I had kept due to the mud spots I had formed by sitting in the road. This brings back that horrible night—God! I was so selfish that night, I was horrible.

I grabbed the blouse after the mud spotted dress and carefully unhooked it from the hanger. I held it over my chest and assessed the attire in my makeup mirror. I sighed and hung the blouse up. Too sexy.

I finally came across a simple shirt that was a navy blue, tight but it covered all of the female curvaceousness I had on my feminine body. I picked out some white jeaned shorts that came up to my upper thigh. I laid the clothing on my bed and skimmed my eyes over them, making sure I approved of them together. Once I had agreed with my choice, I turned back into my closet and knelt down beside my shoes. My eyes followed over my shoes and I finally decided on my small wedges that only lifted off the ground at a total of one inch. Then, I walked a couple of steps to my jewelry box that was on my dresser and searched through it for my heart locket I bought—myself might I add—when I was 12 years old.

I stripped down and slided the shirt over my curly blue hair until it tightly secured my upper body. Then I put on my whit shorts and threw on my wedges. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my necklace.

Shit! I'm late! I thought, looking at my alarm clock beside my bed. Meh, oh well. I speed walked to my car. Damn, need keys. I ran back into my house and grabbed my keys. Oh my god I'm gonna be so late! I thought as I jogged over to my car. I unlocked it and jumped in. Crap, I need my phone. Dammit! Once again I rushed in and back out of the house, but I suddenly stopped when I saw someone I really did not want to see. Gray. Great, just fabulous. "What does Gray~Sama want?" I snapped at him. "Tsk. Look blueberry, it's not really my style to do this, so hear me out." Said Gray, shifting his gaze to the ground like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. 15 minutes late, oh no! "Make it quick." I sneered. He swayed a little, his face turning a tinge redder than usual. "I don't know why, but I can't let you go on that date with my brother." He stated, staring me straight in the eye. I frowned. "Well it's not up to Gray~Sama, so get out of Juvia's way." I retorted, moving around him. He jumped in front of me. "Juvia, please. I can't let you fall for him." I furrowed my eyebrows, letting my anger seep out. "Juvia doesn't care what you think!" I snapped, pushing him aside. He grabbed my wrist. I jolted back and was forced still. "Wait! I never told you but— y-your the only person I remember! I only vaguely remember Lyon, I don't even remember my parents!" I looked back at him, the shock of what he was saying was plastered on my face. "And if you go too—it'll be like...like I'm a helpless child with no past. I don't even know who I am anymore, and for some reason...

...you seem to hate me the most."

I was so stunned, shocked, frozen. He lied to me...why did he lie to me... "I couldn't tell you, I didn't want you to blame yourself...but sill, it seemed to only deepen the gap between us." He sighed in frustration running his fingers through his hair. It must have been so hard on him...he must have been so lonely. One question remains, should I just leave him? My thoughts must've shown on my face because a frown formed on his. "Whatever go!" He blurted and began to stomp away from me with his face a bright red. I rolled my eyes and chased after him. I grabbed him by his ear and dragged him into my car. "What are we doing?" He asked looking hilariously confused. "Gray~Sama will see." I said with a triumphant smirk.

I drove down the road searching for chick-fil-a, I went through the dive through and ordered our food then parked in the parking lot. "Why are we parking?" I shooshed him and climbed to my back set and put the left  seat down until it was flat, then I did the same to the right seat. "Toss me that blanket." I said to Gray, pointing at the cubby hole implanted in between the driver's and the passenger's seat. He tossed it to me with one of his eyebrows furrowed and the other arched. I laid the blanket over the two seats and grabbed our bagged food. "We're having a car picnic!" I sang in a cheery tone. He coughed to hide an obvious smile that was forming on his face. "Cool." He said plainly. We both sat down on the blanket across from each other.

The first couple of seconds were silent, but slowly we began to warm up to each other. "Nah, the best part was when he started to beat him up with a potato." Gray said laughing throughout his phrase. I giggled along. "Juvia LOVED that part! It was hilarious!" I said, he nodded and laughed a little. "But Juvia's favorite was the part when he threatened to make him eat his own dick. Juvia swears she almost puked from laughing so hard!" Gray busted out laughing holding his abs while nodding.

We continued to talk about the funny movie we had seen a few years ago before we met. I learned a lot about Gray, he may seem all cold and mean but it's only an act. He loves to laugh and smile, I guess sometimes he must think people will judge him for it. At first I thought he was a dick and only cared for himself, but now I see that I may have drawn conclusions a bit too fast. Still...I don't know everything about him, but I can't wait to find out!

To be continued...

A/N: OMG...I am sooooooooo sorry! I got my iPad taken away! So sos so so sooooooooo sooooo sorry! Anyways!

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Don't forget to smile!

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