Turn Back Time

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Juvia got up from her bar stool and told Cana goodbye before heading out. She drove back to her house and packed a sleep over bag with all the necessities needed. She checked her bag four times to make sure she had everything and smiled when she did.

Clutching her bag, she got up and walked out of her house to her car, she threw the bag in and closed the door. She walked over to the divers seat and opened the door, then closed it after she was seated. She buckled up and started to roam the roads.


"Juvia, your father and I have decided to ship you off to boarding school. Both of us can't deal with you right now." Juvia had gotten herself in trouble before, but recently when her teacher told her it was improper grammar to speak in third person and she refused to listen. Her parents didn't understand her, nor did they bother to try, and everyone at school called her a freak and avoided her like she was a contagious plague.

"She's so weird, one time I saw her making out with her hand." One girl whispered and her friend giggled. It's not true. She told herself. They're all liars! She thought viscously.

Juvia never had friends, and the one friend she managed to make moved away because her parents attempted to sue them for false advertisement just to keep her away from Juvia because they thought she was the reason their daughter was so weird. They always looked so ashamed when they looked at her, she was basically not even their child.

"No Tray! What are we meant to do with her, we've been losing clients because of the brat!" Her mother argued with her father. "She's still our daughter Misty!" He argued back, Juvia's eyes stung with tears. "So what are we meant to do then?! Keep letting her destroy our business?!" Her mother argued back angrily. "Look, we'll ship her off to boarding school in the morning." Her father said in defeat.

Juvia couldn't take it anymore and ran away. She eventually stumbled across her grandmother's house and she ended up taking her in. Soon after, her grandmother passed away and Juvia was forced into a boarding school.

No one will ever understand me. She thought. I'll always be alone, that's just who I am. She told herself, letting her tears spill after holding them back for so long.


Juvia let out a sob, she couldn't take it anymore. She somehow managed to make two friends, and now she was pushing them away because she liked them both more than a friend. She didn't want to be alone, she knew she had Cana and Mira but, she didn't want to lose Gray. He was the first person to ever open up to her, to ever make her feel like she did around him. How could she give that up? He made her feel so...special. She felt like herself around him, and she wanted to keep it that way. But I guess he didn't care about her the same way, after all, to him, it was just a kiss. To her, that kiss meant absolutely everything. Why couldn't he see that? Why did he seem to be so involved with her but, yet at the same time he seemed so distant, like she was taking one step forward and two steps back. She felt so useless, and scared. Every time she looked down at her hands, they were shaking and her eyes
threatened to flood with tears at any given moment. She felt so...weak.

Frustrated, she pulled over at the nearest parking lot she could find and just sat there, staring out at the night time sky in complete and utter silence. "Stupid." She muttered. "I'm so stupid." She muttered again, crying as she thought over her recent actions.

To be continued...

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