I Made A Mistake

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Juvia was soaking in her bath, doing her best to not think about that kiss. She hated the fact she didn't know if it was real or just heat of the moment. She kept replaying it, over and over in her head, hoping she would make sense of why he would kiss her. Was he just trying to fluster her, or was it just the moment? Or maybe...

She shook her head. This can't be good for my health, stressing only gives you gray hair. She got out of the bath and dried herself off. She heard a knock coming from her front door. She was now hastily soaking up the water with her towel, of course someone would come now of all times. With an exasperated sigh, she grabbed her clothes and sloppily dressed herself, then rushed to the door.

She stopped in her tracks, she stared out of the door window and she automatically glued to the ground. She couldn't move her feet, and for that few seconds her heart kept skipping beats and speeding up. She drew in a shaky breath and walked to the door with wobbly knees. She did not want to see him, they kissed only yesterday, this'll be awkward, jeez I'm just booming with uncontainable excitement. Note the sarcasm. She opened the door and smiled half heartedly.

"Hi..." She whispered so softly you couldn't have heard her if a pen dropped. He smiled sheepishly. "Oh, uh...hey..." She smiled back and shrugged. An awkward silence fell between them as she looked at anything but him. "So...I just wanted to stop by and- well um apologize for yesterday." Her heart stung a bit from the statement, if he actually liked her he wouldn't be apologizing. Gosh, how stupid can you get? Why was I so foolish to believe to polar opposites could ever manage to even breathe the same air. And I'm even stupider for wishing it. She visibly gulped and she roared at her tears to not fall, they weren't needed. "Yeah, it was inappropriate." She stated, a little more harsh than she wanted to. He shrieked back and stared at her as if a bird had just hatched 22 baby birds on her head. "Are you serious right now Juvie? You kissed me back, do you remember I practically had to pry you off?" She blushed and growled at him, insecurity and hurt dancing in her blue eyes. "Why did you even kiss Juvia in the first place?!" He smirked. "Changing the subject?" Her heart winced when she realized he was right, that's exactly what she was doing. "Excuse Juvia?!" Juvia's glare intensified, as if she was trying to melt him with her gaze. Honesty was definitely not the best policy at the moment.

"Well Gray~Sama seemed to enjoy it!" She snapped, her eyes blazing with fear, hurt, and disappointment but mostly...disgust. How could he betray her like that? That was her first kiss and he stole it, and what was his excuse? Oh he just got caught up in the moment! She couldn't believe him, she wanted to call bullshit, but she wasn't sure and it hurt her, so very bad. "Oh please, it was just a kiss!" He said insensitively, as if it was a normal occasion for him. Juvia balled her fists and gritted her teeth, it wasn't just a kiss, she hated how he passed it off as nothing special. He was basically just saying, 'you were just another girl to add to my list of kisses I've received.' "Well," her voice quivered but it soon replaced with a bold choice of words, "it was my first kiss." She lost her third person way of speaking, so hurt and infuriated that she couldn't think straight. His eyes didn't soften, not even slightly and only the few words escaped his mouth, "Well I guess that makes you arrogant, I could never kiss someone who almost got me killed." He said, then his eyes widened realizing what he just admitted. That burned like fire, it was like he just drew a knife through her emotions and kept cutting deeper. "Why would you..." Her voice quivered, her chest felt so heavy and she felt so defenseless, and embarrassed. "Wait Juvia it came out wron-"

Juvia slammed the door on his face and began to weep when her back pressed against it. She slowly slid down the door, secretly wanting the floor to open up and eat her. She curled into her knees and cried into them, ignoring Gray's concerned knocking. Well at least I know who Gray is now...he's an insensitive, unbelievable- he's a prick! Did he think he could just string me along? Getting me in bed would just be a bonus! She didn't care anymore, she blurted her crying. Who cared if she seemed like an over dramatic baby. He struck the one place she was weak, the fact she almost got him killed. I know it was my fault, he didn't have to remind me! He just rubbed salt in the wound, leaving no room for sympathy. One things for sure...he was right. I should've have left him and ignored him. I should've clicked the reset button, and forgotten about my stupid clothes store.

Images of Gray and her working as a team pierced her heart, no matter how much she hated him...and how much she wanted to stab him—he was the only person she had ever felt close to, and now he had been forcefully pried from her life. The worst part was, she was the one that tore them apart...actually never mind, it takes two to exchange a betrayal. She clenched her teeth, grinding them. She was so scared and so defenseless. She was trying to be nice to him and tried to bury this hatred, so why...why did he have to go and claw the wound open again? Didn't he realize that she was already on a guilt trip with him almost dying? He really showed his true colors. Honesty. That's all he was, honest and no matter how much I deny it, his claims are true and they won't go away, but that still gave him no right to be so up front and rude! He was ruthless! Relentless! I- I just wanted to be his friend, what's so wrong with that? He was the one to kiss me. He told me he wanted me to stay by his side. And he told me to never leave him. So why is it okay for him to torture me with his attitude and mind games—and even worse, hypocritically leave me after forcefully begging me to stay by his side. Wow, I guess he wasn't so honest after all, there are always two sides of a story.

She sniffled and held her head up, no! That was the one thing she wouldn't let him take, her pride. She wouldn't let him take something else, like her first kiss. It seemed to her that he only cared for himself, he was no longer trust worthy. Until today, he was the only guy who had ever shown a trace of sympathy. I guess some things never change, she'll always be alone.

She looked out the window to find he was gone. She opened the door and rushed into her car. Maybe I should just leave...would that make him happy?
She pondered on the thought and finally decided...

To be continued...

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