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Juvia had been sitting beside Gray's hospital bed for hours, just watching his heart beep. She looked at Gray's peaceful face as he slept—well she hoped he was sleeping. There were tubes and masks all over his face and body, she did this to him. She was so careless, how dare she. She carefully grabbed his hand and whispered the sweetest words she could bare to say, "Gray...I know you can't hear me, but if somehow you manage to get this message—please..." She started in a shaky voice. "Please don't leave me here alone, I need someone to split my pay with. I know we never saw eye-to-eye on things but...I still wanted you around." She stopped realizing she was only rambling to herself. "I know I have absolutely no right to worry...but I can't help it. I guess...I'll be here when you wake up." Before she knew it, she had laid her head down on the armrest of her chair and fallen soundly asleep.

Juvia woke up to the sudden movement she felt on the bed. Her eyes drifted upward to meet Gray's, he was finally awake. She quickly sat up in her seat, and couldn't find the correct words to say. "J-Juvia is happy you woke up...Gray~Sama." Her own words surprised her, back when she was smaller she spoke in third-person, for some strange reason it just came out naturally. But the words Gray said next, she never would have predicted. "Who exactly are you?" She winced at just the thought. This was terrible, she knew her mistake would come with a price, she just wished she'd have to pay the price and not him. She tapped the button to call in the nurse frantically with tears spilling down her cheeks. Gray watched her, as if he was in a daze. "Hello?" A young looking blue haired girl asked as she ran into the room. She looked a bit too young to be a nurse but Juvia ignored it. "Juvia needs help! Gray~Sama lost his memory!" The blue haired girl gasped and grabbed some medicine from the file cabinet. "Crap, crap, crap." She muttered as she stuck a shot into the top of the medicine and soaked up the clear liquid into it.

She leaned over Gray and took his temperature, then she told him to grab something tightly because this would hurt a lot. She took a cotton ball and dipped it in alcohol, then she rubbed the place she'd be giving him the painful shot. She stuck the syringe in his arm and pushed down on the pump; inserting the clear liquid into him. He winced, and in that instant Juvia grabbed his hand and squeezed it, to remind him he wasn't alone. The nurse pulled out the needle and smiled. "All done." She said cheerfully. "I'm nurse Wendy and I'll be back to check on him shortly. "Juvia nodded and slumped back in her chair. "Oh by the way, that shot should help with his memory, he should have it back in less than a week. Just give it some time." Juvia nodded.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a tear fall down Gray's cheek, he quickly wiped it and turned to smile at her. Her heart ached at him, she wanted him to be comfortable around her, and not hide his feelings. " can drop the tough guy act, Juvia can see the hurt in your eyes." She stated boldly. "I-I...Juvia is your name huh?" He said changing the subject. She was planning to retaliate, but decided to let the issue be. "Yeah..." She said in barely a whisper. "It's a beautiful name." He said, catching her off guard. She looked up at him, stunned. "W-what? Oh thanks Gray~Sama." She said quickly blushing, it was so wrong for her to blush but she couldn't help it. He chuckled, but his chuckle morphed into hard coughs. "Gray~Sama!" She stated boldly, running to his side. Her eyes widened when his covers slid down, revealing his blood bandaged stomach. Her eyebrows twitched as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "N-n-no..." She managed to stutter out, before running away from him, like he had the chicken pox or something. "Juvia!" He called out, but she didn't respond or even turn around.

She ran out of the building, wondering why nurses were hollering. She felt a strong grip grab her in a hugging manner, but her thoughts told her it was impossible, he couldn't be there hugging her. She turned around to confirm it, and sure enough, there was Gray watching her with panic filling his eyes. He clutched his stomach, wincing in pain as she glared at him, pissed he got out of bed. But truth be told, she was more angry with herself than anyone. "Gray~Sam-" He put his finger over her lips, hushing her. "Juvie...for some reason your the only person I can remember. Why do you have to scare me by running away from me?! When your not around it's like...I'm not with myself, like I'm an empty shell with no purpose. So please stop running from me." Her eyes were as wide as wide can be, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her eyes suddenly clouded with guilt, and pain. " should be in bed." She choked out, feeling the need to change the subject. She felt contagious as she noticed she was spreading her pain into his eyes. She bit her lip, trying her best not to cry. Why would he lie to me and tell me that he didn't remember who I was? What was he so scared of? She asked herself in her thoughts.

Gray shrugged and started to walk back into the hospital, it was only then she realized he only had on boxers. She muffled back a laugh and averted her gaze as she followed him back into their hospital room. Why does he only remember's not fair for him to only remember the person who gave him his temporary concussion, so I ask again...why dammit why?! He should've forgotten me, and I should've left him alone for the rest of his life. After all, I doubt he can even bare to breathe the same air as me regardless of his claims. Gosh, when did everything fall apart?

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