An Unforgettable Tragedy

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Gray suddenly grabbed Juvia by the wrist and whispered in her ear, "Go on a date with me, please." She whipped away from him and slapped him as hard as she could, tears spilling down her cheeks. "Like hell!" She turned on her heel and began walking away from Gray's pained expression. She couldn't believe his nerve, dancing all over a girl then expecting a date from her, yeah right!

"Juvia!" He called out, but she ignored him. "Juvia move!" He yelled, she turned around just in time to see him push her out of the way of a truck coming full speed at them, only she was saved by Gray's sudden push. The car rolled over Gray and raced away, as Juvia's eyes kept getting wider. Gray was there, not breathing. "Gray!" She shouted as loud as she could getting up from the ground. She ran to his side  whispering, "No, no, no..." In between sobs.

She searched for her phone in her purse and pulled it out, dialing 911. "911 what is you-" she cut them off blurting out. "Help me, he's been run over by a car!" She began crying harder. "Please help me!" The emergency services assured her help was on the way before she dropped her phone into her bag. She looked down at Gray, still in too much denial to process what just happened. She examined the pool of red thickening around them as she cried over his motionless body. "Gray, please don't go. I'm sorry! I was jealous and I took it out on you! Please...p-...please..." She cried even harder when he didn't respond, if he died, it would be her fault. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, begging God not to take his life.

An ambulance siren startled her, and people swarmed Gray, lifting him up on a stretcher and rolling him into the truck. She couldn't quite make herself stand up, she just sat there in the road, not wanting to believe what just happened. She managed to get onto her feet and whispered, "Gray..." As the doors to the ambulance truck shut. She gulped, why didn't she just say yes and go to the stupid date? And why did her heart feel like it was just ripped out? She knew one thing, if Gray makes it out alive, I'll never say another rude word to him ever again, I'll treat him as if he's a God and he'll never ever, ever...have to worry about me again, because I'm leaving if he makes it out. I was ruthless to him...he can do so much better.

She tried fighting her tears, but her attempts were useless. Her chest hurt so badly, and her heart was beating too quickly for her to calm her breathing. She walked to her car and sat on the drivers seat. She began hyperventilating over and over, as she repeated the seen in her mind. She shook her head furiously, trying to convince herself that it wasn't real, it couldn't be. It was too surreal for it to be true. No way...I couldn't hurt Gray...I wouldn't- Her hard crying returned as she hugged her knees and cried as hard as she could, she didn't know why but it was helping.

She heard a knock on her window, she peaked over at it and saw Lyon standing there with a panicked expression. She rolled down the window. "Juvie what happened." She winced at the nickname Juvie...only Gray called her that, he wasn't allowed to. "I-it's Gray..." She managed to make out in between her loud crying. He frowned. "If Gray hurt you-" she shook her head. "No, it's the opposite...he was hit by a truck...trying to save my life." She grabbed at her dress, squeezing it as she tried to avoid eye contact.

He walked to the opposite side of the truck and sat in the passengers seat. She eyed him as she cried harder, ignoring the fact she probably looked like a baby right now. "Juvie-" He began before her intimidating words cut him off, "Don't call me that!" She snapped, causing him to flinch. "Okay I won't sorry." She shook her head and continued to drown herself in her own tears. "It's my fault, if I had been nicer, and didn't get so jealous over nothing...Gray would still be here. Please let him be okay! Take everything from me, hell take my life—just please—don't take his! He doesn't deserve this, he shouldn't have done that! I should've gotten hit by that truck! Why did he risk his life just to save mine? I wasn't even nice to him! I never said thank you, or even showed I cared! So why dammit why?! Why did he save me?! He didn't have to do that! So tell me why?! Why didn't he just stay put and let me get run over! I slapped him! I treated him like shit and I—I was still the one to make it...—wh-why...why?" She said aloud, but not directing her words to anyone. It feels—as if there was a mix up...and they took the wrong life—a mistake—yes...they made a mistake.

"Juvia...sometimes we make mistakes...were only human...that's what--" Lyon said before he again, was cut off by Juvia. "Stop...there's nothing you could say to me that would make me hate myself any less right now. Just go..." She said quietly. "Juvia—" He was stopped when Juvia yelled, "Get out of my car Lyon!" He obeyed and left her there, sobbing over her steering wheel.

To be continued...

A/N:Just thought I should address Gray is not dead. Okay bye.

The Snow Ball Exchange✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora