Secrets And A Kiss

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Juvia stared up at her ceiling in her bed, wondering why on Earth Gray would lie to her, but to her luck she just couldn't think of anything. She growled under her breath, frustrated, and headed into the kitchen to eat something. She walked up to the refrigerator, listening to the pitter patter of her feet as she walked over the tiled floor, and opened the door to grab a peach yogurt.

It was 2 o'clock in the morning and she didn't want to eat anything that would upset her stomach so she set the peach yogurt on the table and slumped into her chair. She banged her head on the table softly, angry with her useless brain. I just don't understand why he'd go and make a fuss about not remembering me when he did. Why did he do it? It just makes no sense!

She realized she forgot a spoon and angrily got up from her seat to grab one. She opened the drawer harshly and sloppily grabbed a spoon then scattered back into her seat. This is so goddamn frustrating! She slumped down in her seat again then opened her yogurt. She ate a big bite that chilled her stomach, but she wasn't doing it because she was, she was doing it over stress. She kept shoving the yogurt in her mouth, swallowing it whole, not caring how it tasted. Finally, she reached the bottom of the yogurt and slouched in her chair, laying her head on her flat laying elbows.

She was confused to what seemed to be the next second for her as the sun came shining through the window blinded her gaze. Everything rushed into her head in a moments noticed and she finally had made some sort of sense out of why she had just opened her eyes to the sun blinding her, she had fallen asleep. Another light bulb went off as she ran over to check the time, I'm late for work!

She stripped out of her clothes immediately and grabbed a pair of jeans, a t-shirt that said "Christmas Is The Answer" then grabbed a coat and began to get dressed. She pulled back her blue curly hair and put on d.o for that b.o and scrambled out the door with her tooth paste and toothbrush in hand. She jumped into her car and started up the heater, shivering from the cold winter air, and turned on the radio. She grabbed a used cup and dumped it out then filled it with her water bottle. She put the cup in between her legs and put her car in reverse and began to speed down the road to her work building. Great, traffic. She thought sarcastically as she used the cup of water to brush her teeth, making sure not to miss the cup when she spit. She put the lid on the cup so it wouldn't spill and put it to her side. Her phone rang and she checked the caller id, it was Gray. She answered it and put him on speaker. "Hello Gray~Sama." She said cheerfully. "Where the hell are you?!" He snapped at her, making her smile in amusement. "Juvia is stuck in traffic, she'll get there when she can! And why is Gray~Sama out of bed?!" He chuckled. "Oh yeah sorry, I got my memory back and decided to go to hurry up!" She growled, still relieved he was okay. "I'm coming!" She yelled back and hung up, making a big deal about sighing.

She finally made it to her building, rushing to the elevator she noticed she had forgotten something major, she had forgotten to put on her bra. Cursing herself she frantically clicked the button and headed up. Maybe nobody will notice, yeah right. She angrily took out her hair that was being held up by a head band, and took off her shirt. She was planning to use the headband as a substitute for her bra. Probably wasn't a good idea to do that in an elevator. She put the head band around her chest right over her nipples when the door opened. Oh no! Everyone turned to look at her, a few of them staring a bit too long. She drew in a gasp and blushed.

That's when it happened, Gray turned around just in time to lock eyes on her combusting chest, at first he stared, then he just blushed and looked away. She grabbed her shirt and slipped it on, rushing out of the room looking like a tomato.

"Juvia!" Gray called out, but she ignored him, still way too abashed to talk. Secretly she cursed herself for not waiting until she was in a bathroom. "Juvie!" He grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him. "Look, I won't bring it up after this but...what the hell were you thinking?!" She blushed and ripped away. "Juvia was thinking that she didn't want Gray~Sama to have to wait!" He rolled his eyes. "So it's my fault?" He asked plainly, still not seeing where she was coming from. "Duh!" She spat and turned around to storm into their linked offices.

Once he had walked in with her, she shut the door and began to interrogate him. "Gray~Sama...on a more serious note, why did you tell Juvia you forgot her instead of the truth?" He sighed and sat on top of her desk. "I-...I was afraid you'd blame yourself and I wanted you to be able to move on without me, but I guess I just couldn't stay away." He said with a sheepish smile. Her face tinted a light shade of pink and she walked over to him and hugged him. "Gray~Sama..." Her arms still hugged loosely around his neck as they backed away from their embrace. Gray suddenly crashed his lips onto her's and they started to kiss exotically. She would admit he was a great kisser, but they weren't dating and they were meant to be enemies. Oh no, what have I done?

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