gAy mE

21 3 10

hey hey you you

I really love my crush

no way no way


someone said that they ship her and I

someone here
on wattpad I mean.


I agree strongly but I mean you know you're messing with my feelings

low key wants to know who else ships us cuz im fucking obsessed with her ugH LETS NOT GET INTO HER DIMPLES AND HOW SHE PLAYS WITH MY HAIR THANK YOU

moar information- apparently my mom is having surgery right at this very moment as I type this???????

I didn't know this

see what happened was that I got a text from mi mum saying that my stepdads parents are picking me up from school instead of her and I was like "lol k" and so I get into their car and my step grandpa was like "you know why your mom isn't here"

"no" I said

"you don't know?"

"well she didn't say why, she just told me you guys were picking me up"

"oh. so you don't know?"

-.- yes I don't know why else would I be saying it twice

"I mean she has kidney stones," I said.

"yea." he said

"and she needs a specialist."

"yeah she's in LA with Brian"

Y TF ISNT SHE HERE IN MY TOWN INSTEAD OF LA WTF y is she in la this is madness

so I'm like "lol k, hospital, whatever"

and I was just informed that she was having surgery life is just lovely

and so my mom has these visions and she believes in souls being reused and stuff so apparently my mom has been around for a long time and she KNOWS, idk how but she just knows that she will die somewhere in her forties and it's gonna be from kidney stones.


soooo she'll be alive for about 3 to 12 more years :,)

that's not a lot of years

but whatever you say mom

and may I mention that she is CERTAIN of this

pray pray pray

also I can't get over my crush I love her I want to talk to her for hours k bye

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